Contact Vancouver – Schengen visa (< 90 days)


Please enter your full name according to your passport

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(max. 1 Mb)

If a visa application has already been submitted, the following fields are no longer optional und must be completed.

(max. 1 Mb)

Dear Visa Applicant,

The Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver has received your request, thank you. Due to the high volume of requests and applications, if the information is found below or on our website, your demand will not be answered. Please read carefully; answers to your questions are found below. We will respond within two business days if your question requires a specific response. This Consulate General serves residents of BC, AB, SK, YK, and NT; all others should contact the Consulate General of Switzerland in Montreal.

No telephone service is provided for visa matters

There is no visa department telephone operator.
All questions are answered by e-mail only.

All information is provided on our website or below.


Visa C (Schengen - up to 90 days: visitor, tourism, business)  /  Main destinations: Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Slovenia or Spain only /  Required documentation - Schengen Visa (PDF, 4 Pages, 259.8 kB)

  • Do I need a Schengen Visa (C-Visa)?
    See the official list. See the map (including airport transit).
  • Who can apply at the Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver?
    Only legal residents of BC, AB, SK, YK, and NT can apply and only if your main destination is mentioned above. Visitors to Canada, we accept applications after you have been in Canada for three months.
  • How do I start the Schengen Online Visa application and/or make an appointment?
    Visit, fill in the form, download the form (disable pop-up blockers) and pay the fee online immediately, and receive a link to book an appointment at our office in Vancouver. Current appointment waiting time: 8 - 15 weeks
  • Urgent requests or appointments are all booked, can I have an earlier appointment?
    During peak travel season, visa appointments may be filled several weeks in advance. Please book up to six months before departure. Absolutely no earlier appointments are given except for medical emergencies; please e-mail us a doctor or hospital letter confirming the urgency of the trip.
  • I already had a previous Schengen visa, do I need an appointment?
    Please e-mail us a scan of your previous Schengen C visa and an outline of your travel plans.
  • How do I cancel or re-schedule to an earlier timeslot/change my appointment?
    Use the link in the e-mail you received to book your appointment if you wish to change or cancel your timeslot. Often earlier timeslots are made available by others cancelling or changing their appointments; you may enter and check the system as often as you like.
  • I filled in the form, but did not print it / I made a mistake on the form, what can I do?
    You should download the form immediately after filling it in online (disable pop-up blockers). If you made a mistake, please make changes by hand on the printed form before you sign. If you do not have the PDF anymore, please fill in a new form (see above) and write the old online ID number at the top of the new form.
  • Can I pick up my passport with my visa?
    No, all passports are submitted to the Consulate General in Vancouver are returned by post using your prepaid envelope. Only one small regional envelope per group is necessary. Please provide a prepaid envelope with sufficient tracking, insurance and delivery speed for your needs. We are not responsible for delayed or lost mail.
  • Can you update the status of my application? When will I know my visa is ready?
    There are no notifications that your visa is received, approved or ready, please track your envelopes only. If we require more documents, we will request them. If it is not yet trackable, it is not yet ready.
  • How long does it take (Processing time)? Does my nationality require Schengen consultation?
    Once a file is complete, full review can take up to 15 calendar daysIf your nationality is on this list, your file must pass Schengen consultation. The Consulate has no control over the process and has no access to your file while it is in consultation.
  • What kind of travel insurance must I provide?
    Travel insurance issued by a Canadian insurance company is required and must contain all: your full name, validity for your whole trip (+15 days), valid for all Schengen states, minimum coverage of CAD 50,000 for each of the three categories: 1-emergency medical expenses, 2-repatriation for medical reasons and 3-return of mortal remains/deceased.
  • There is mistake on my visa, what should I do?
    The entry date into Schengen is usually the day when leaving from Canada. If your name is spelled wrong, please e-mail us.
  • How do I calculate my stay in Schengen/avoid an overstay?
    Please use this calculator. The date of control is the last date you plan to leave Schengen.

Visa D (National - more than 90 days: family reunion, studies) (Switzerland and Liechtenstein only –all others, see their websites)  /  Required D-Visa documentation

  • Do I need a National Visa (D-Visa) for stays over 90 days?
  • Are in-person appointments for Visa D required/available, can I drop off or pick up?
    The Consulate General in Vancouver receives files and issues Visa D by post (mail) only, there is no drop off or pick up.
  • I am applying for a Visa D, what is the process?
    First, review the required documentation and mail us (no drop-off) the correct number of copies (incomplete applications are returned automatically). Then you will get an authorization (ZEMIS or SYMIC number) directly from Switzerland, please e-mail us your number or PDF if you have made it to this step.
  • Did you receive my D-visa application, have you begun processing it?
    There are no confirmations that we have begun processing it. Please check the envelope tracking you used to mail it to our office. Once received, we send it to Switzerland for approval which takes 8-15 weeks.
  • I haven’t received my authorization yet, who do I contact for an update?
    We do not provide updates. The approval process takes 8-15 weeks; please contact the Cantonal Migration Office responsible for your place of residence in Switzerland to see if it has been approved. The authorization to issue a visa is given in Switzerland and is normally sent directly to you, your school or Swiss partner. We cannot issue a visa before you get this authorization.
  • Can I enter Switzerland before my visa is ready?
    No, you should avoid fines and an overstay by waiting for your visa to be approved and issued before going abroad. We do not authorize the visas, we only forward applications to authorities in Switzerland who make the decision. You are free to contact the Cantonal Migration Office responsible for your file.


  • Authorized Visas (My visa has been authorized in Switzerland)
    What do I do when a visa authorization has been given directly in Switzerland?
    Please e-mail us your authorization PDF, ZEMIS or SYMIC number and an outline of your travel plans if you have received one but have not yet submitted anything to our office.
  • I sent you my documents for my authorized visa to be issued. Did you receive it? When will I get my passport back?
    There are no confirmations that we have received it or sent it out. Unless you are notified otherwise, we issue and return your passport using your prepaid envelope the next business day. Please check your tracking.
  • Work Permits
    What are the work visa requirements?
  • Youth Mobility Program  /  Steps and Required documentation (Switzerland only –all others, see their websites)
    The entire process is by post (mail) only, there is no drop off or pick up. 1-Get a job offer 2-Mail our office two copies of the form and two copies of all supporting documents 3-Wait for approval in Switzerland (6-8 weeks) and then e-mail us your authorization PDF, ZEMIS or SYMIC number. 4-We will provide you a list of documents to mail us to have your Visa D issued in one business day.


Consulate General of Switzerland Vancouver