What we do
The Economic Affairs Unit is part of the Economic Affairs and Science Division of the Embassy of Switzerland. Our tasks lie in promotion of the bilateral economic and trade relations between Switzerland and Russia, in close cooperation with the Swiss Business Hub:
We analyze the economic situation in Russia, monitor developments and changes in the Russian economic, financial and foreign trade policy. We observe the development of Swiss-Russian trade and the investment climate. Additionally we keep track of respective regulatory and legislative developments. We monitor the implementation of Russia's accession to WTO and the free trade negotiations between the EFTA countries and the Custom Union Russia-Kazakhstan-Belarus.
We contribute to the improvement of the framework conditions for businesses and companies in facilitating the negotiations and signing of intergovernmental agreements.
One of our main goals is to support and protect Swiss economic interests in general and on case-by-case basis. We assist Swiss companies in their interaction with the Russian Federal and Regional authorities.
An important part of our work is dedicated to preparation and organization of visits of Ministers and high ranking officials of the Swiss Federal Government to Russia. We support economic promotion events of Swiss cantons in Russia and organize economic missions in the Russian regions.
We provide Russian investors and businessmen with the relevant information on the Swiss economy and its potential.
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Beside this, we cover also issues of transport, agriculture, energy, intellectual property rights and tourism.