The Infrastructure and Innovation Section of the Mission works to ensure the attractiveness and competitiveness of International Geneva's real estate policy.
The Infrastructure and Innovation Section ensures the operational follow-up of all real estate questions related to the presence in Switzerland of international organisations, permanent missions and their staff. It contributes to the creation of the conditions necessary for the further development of International Geneva (in particular buildings, transport, schools and kindergartens) and works to ensure the attractiveness and competitiveness of its real estate sector.
To this end, it frequently takes part in discussions and negotiations with the representatives of international organisations, permanent missions, the Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI), the International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI) and the cantonal and communal authorities concerned. It manages the setting-up and follow-up of working groups, coordinating committees and steering committees for projects to build and renovate buildings and helps set up the funding mechanisms for such projects.
As an intermediary between the international community and the host authorities for all matters relating to the real estate sector and infrastructures, the Real Estate and Framework Conditions Section plays an important role in Switzerland's host policy.