Stick'AIR sticker - Canton of Geneva

The authorities of the Republic and Canton of Geneva have introduced a Stick'AIR, see link hereunder, sticker system for motor vehicles to allow for restrictions on circulation in the Geneva conurbation in the event of air pollution peaks. This measure aims to improve air quality and thus reduce health risks caused by pollution.

Entry into force

From 15 January 2020, the Canton of Geneva will restrict circulation for certain vehicles during times of peak air pollution. When air pollution peaks, only vehicles bearing the Stick'Air with the authorised number will be allowed to circulate in the city and in areas of surrounding municipalities. A transitional period for the acquisition of the sticker has been granted until 31 March 2020, after which checks will be carried out by the police, who may fine offenders up to CHF 500. The regulations also apply to vehicles registered in other cantons or abroad.


Registered diplomatic (CD) and consular (CC) vehicles, vehicles with a sticker or parking card for disabled, vehicles providing professional transport services, bicycles, mopeds and e-bikes are all exempt from the obligation to display a Stick'AIR sticker.  All other vehicles, regardless of driver status, are subject to the Stick'Air system.

Where to get a Stick'AIR sticker

The Stick'AIR sticker is available for CHF 5-- at most garages and petrol stations in the canton and direct from the Cantonal Office for Vehicles, see link hereunder, and the Fondation des parkings. 

It is the owner’s responsibility to check beforehand which sticker applies for their vehicle. Information is available here, see link hereunder. 

The Stick'AIR sticker is valid for the lifespan of the vehicle. 

Please note that use of public transport in the canton on the entire TPG network is free of charge in the event of a level-2 pollution peak. 

The activation of the differentiated traffic scheme and traffic restrictions in the centre of the conurbation will be communicated by signage on the main arterial roads leading to the area concerned, in the media and via the Air2G2, see link hereunder, mobile application. 

Visit the official website of the Canton of Geneva for all necessary information on the Stick'AIR scheme, see link hereunder.

Specialist Contact

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to UNOG
Office of Privileges & immunities
Good Offices and Security Section 
Rue de Varembé 9-11, P.O. Box 194
CH - 1211 Geneva 20
Tel. +41 (0)58 482 24 24