Community-led Outreach on Safe Migration (COSM)

Project completed

This single-phase project will complement a larger EU-supported project aiming at making people aware about safe migration at the Union and Upazilla level. The project will also pilot a pre-employment module developed by the Global Program Migration and Development and used in Sri Lanka, to verify its effectiveness in the context of Bangladesh. It is expected that the evidence generated in this project will feed into a larger SDC-funded project, to start in 2019.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Human rights
Labour migration
Human rights (incl. Women's rights)
Sector not specified
01.11.2017 - 31.12.2019
CHF  498’400
Background Every year, about 600’000 Bangladeshis migrate to other countries as labour migrants through official/regular channels. This does not include the thousands who undertake dangerous journeys on boats, or through very porous borders, to different countries. The people who use irregular means to migrate almost always end up in slave-like situations, where they are forced to work without their consent. Such a migration experience is a human right violation and does not bring any benefits to the migrants’ household or their communities.
Objectives The overall objective of the project is that potential migrants and communities at the grassroots levels have increased awareness of safe migration and understand the consequences of irregular migration.
Target groups The project targets men and women at the Upazilla and Union levels, to make them aware about safe and orderly migration, as well as to inform them about the risks of irregular migration. The project will also reach out to local elites, religious leaders, locally elected representatives, local media and school teachers to orient them about safe migration, so that they may, while doing their work, also provide the information.
Medium-term outcomes

The only outcome for the project is:

Potential migrants and their communities demonstrate increased commitment to safe migration.


Expected results:  

  • Migrants, their families and communities are able to participate in safe migration awareness planning
  • Migrants and their families are informed about safe migration procedures.
  • Evidence-based research on building awareness of (potential) migrant workers at the grassroots level is available.

Results from previous phases:   n/a 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • International Organisation for Migration

Coordination with other projects and actors Community-led Outreach on Safe Migration in 12 Districts of Bangladesh, funded by the European Union in Bangladesh
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    498’400 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    481’645
Project phases

Phase 1 01.11.2017 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)