Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis attends Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey

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Press releases, 29.02.2024

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will represent Switzerland at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum to be held in Turkey from 1 to 3 March. The third edition of the forum will address the issue of 'Advancing Diplomacy in Times of Turmoil'. During the high-level forum, Mr Cassis will participate in a panel discussion on Europe's security architecture. He will also use the dialogue platform to hold various talks on the prerequisites for a peace process in Ukraine.

The conflict in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine pose major security challenges for the world. In the panel discussion on Europe's security architecture, Mr Cassis will stress the importance of upholding the values and principles of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). He will also outline Switzerland's contributions to European and international security, for example in the UN Security Council. Alongside Mr Cassis, OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid will also participate in the panel discussion.

The Federal Council's new Foreign Policy Strategy 2024–27 highlights the centrality of Europe's security to Swiss foreign policy. In addition to strengthening the OSCE, a key priority is stepping up cooperation on security policy with the EU and other bilateral partners.

Commitment to sustainable peace in Ukraine

Heads of state and governments as well as ministers from around 50 countries and representatives from key international organisations will be attending this year's Antalya Diplomacy Forum. Mr Cassis will also use the opportunity while in Turkey to engage in bilateral talks. Meetings are planned with the foreign ministers of Turkey, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh and Mozambique. Talks will focus on the war in Ukraine and the prerequisites for a peace process in Ukraine. The situation in the Middle East will also be addressed.

Further information:

Foreign Policy Strategy 2024–27

OSCE Action Plan 2022–2025(pdf, 3824kb)

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs