Cosecha de Agua

Projekt abgeschlossen

The erratic rainfall pattern in Nicaragua during the past few years primarily affects the population living in the so-called "dry corridor." Poor farmers have only limited technical and economic capacities for coping with this phenomenon. The project will support small farmers in harvesting and efficiently using rainwater. In addition, the project will provide the basis for the formulation of a National Water Harvesting Strategy. 

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Klimawandel & Umwelt
Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssicherheit
Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung
01.02.2013 - 31.12.2018
CHF  9’800’000

The climate scenario of the coming years predicts increased temperatures and reduced rainfall for the “dry corridor”, but above all, erratic rainfall patterns during the planting season. Small farmers are not prepared to adapt to this situation. Water harvesting provides a possibility for coping with irregular rainfall. However, the technology is available only on a very limited scale and its use has not been systematically analysed and clearly documented.


To increase the resilience of poor families living from agriculture and livestock to the consequences of climate change and climate variability by introducing water harvesting technology. The harvested water will be used for irrigation, animal and domestic use.


  • 1,500 small farm families (9,000 persons) in the municipalities located in the “dry corridor” where droughts are long and severe.
  • Public institutions and private sector entities which provide construction and technical assistance services, as well as irrigation equipment.
  • Mittelfristige Wirkungen
    1. The capacities of public and private actors have been strengthened in the design, construction and supervision of high-quality water harvesting works.
    2. Farm families have: taken advantage of an additional productive cycle; diversified agricultural production; increased their food security and improved their quality of life.
    3. Knowledge of water harvesting technologies has increased and been shared as an effective measure for adapting to climate change.


    Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
    Kreditbereich Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
    Projektpartner Vertragspartner
    Andere internationale Organisation
    Ausländische staatliche Institution
    • Central State of South East
    • Other OI
    • Ausländischer Privatsektor Süden/Osten
    • Ministry of Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy (MEFCCA); Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry (MAGFOR), Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)

    Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    9’800’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    8’829’707
    Projektphasen Phase 2 01.11.2018 - 31.12.2022   (Completed)

    Phase 1 01.02.2013 - 31.12.2018   (Completed)