Economic and financial policy

SECO focuses its interventions in economic and financial policy on two areas of particular importance: reform of public finance and strengthening of the financial sector. Both are essential for economic growth and fighting poverty.

Stable economic framework conditions are fundamental for a country's sustainable growth and a precondition for effectively fighting poverty. SECO supports the development of such conditions in its partner countries with two complementary action areas:

  • It assists in the planning of growth-conducive economic reforms, particularly in the area of public finance.
  • It promotes the development of a stable and well developed financial sector.

Targeted technical and financial assistance (general and sector-based budgetary assistance) support such reforms, resulting in greater transparency and better economic governance within the public sector. To work in these areas, SECO builds on its experience and internationally proven practices.

Document showing a household’s budget

This contributes to good governance and transparency in managing public resources as well as stability in the fiscal policy environment (monetary policy, public finances, banking system).

The SECO’s worldwide engagement