Switzerland trebles development cooperation funding to Zimbabwe

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Article, 18.03.2022

Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) trebled development cooperation funding to Zimbabwe in 2021 from US$4 million per year to US$12 million. 

Switzerland trebles development cooperation funding to Zimbabwe.
Switzerland trebles development cooperation funding to Zimbabwe. © Embassy of Switzerland in Zimbabwe.

The funding went into agriculture, climate change response, health including COVID-19 response, social protection, governance and arts and culture. 

The increased funding to Zimbabwe reflects the strong commitment that Switzerland has in the implementation of a re-focused new bilateral Swiss Cooperation Programme for Zimbabwe and Zambia starting in 2023 to 2026. The new cooperation programme will support the various pillars of Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy 1 (2021-2025) objectives.

“It is our wish that the very significant increase in budget allocation and disbursements in favour of Zimbabwe will result in stronger and more frequent personal and institutional relation building, policy dialogue and growing joint efforts in addressing development challenges along our defined strategic orientation of the future bilateral cooperation and beyond,” said Mr. Manuel Thurnhofer, the Head of Cooperation at the Embassy of Switzerland in Harare.