National Human Rights Commission’s Strategic Plan Support Project (SPSP)

Projekt abgeschlossen

People in Nepal still suffer from lack of effective human rights protection, weak public accountability, and prevailing impunity. Switzerland and Denmark continue to support the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) aiming at systematically developing its internal capacity. The third phase will enable the NHRC to better fulfil its mandate and increase its legitimacy and leverage to advocate more effectively for the protection and promotion of human rights for the people of Nepal.

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Rechtsstaatlichkeit - Demokratie - Menschenrechte
Menschenrechte (inkl. Frauenrechte)
Weiterentwicklung von Recht und Rechtsprechung
Demokratische Partizipation und Zivilbevölkerung
01.05.2016 - 31.12.2020
CHF  800’000

Nepal has ratified the main international human rights conventions and has achieved some progress in the protection of human rights during the last ten years. Nevertheless, the human rights situation remains volatile and human rights are not effectively protected mainly due to lack of political will and capacity of the Government, widespread corruption and lack of knowledge among right holders. Reported human rights cases increase but remain mostly unpunished and impunity prevails. Social and economic discrimination which were the root causes of the armed conflict (1996-2006) remain largely unaddressed. As civil society including human rights organisations is highly politicised and fractured, the National Human Rights Commission (established in 2000) plays a crucial role to independently monitor and investigate human rights violations and make respective recommendations for betterment to the Government of Nepal.


People of Nepal - especially people from minorities, women and disadvantaged groups – increasingly enjoy their human rights, protected by rule of law.

  • NHRC commissioners and staff as the primary beneficiary benefit from capacity building which will improve the overall  performance of the NRHC and give it more legitimacy and more leverage vis-à-vis the Government and civil society.
  • People of Nepal as the ultimate beneficiaries benefit from a better protection of their rights.
Mittelfristige Wirkungen
  • The NHRC effectively protects and promotes human rights.

Erwartete Resultate:  

  • NHRC staff has strengthened their capacity in selected areas as defined by the training plan.
  • NHRC has strengthened its capacity as a long-term credible institution to deliver its core function and increase its outreach.
  • NHRC has strengthened coordination with other human rights related constitutional commissions and the transitional justice mechanisms, CSOs and media.
  • NHRC commissioners and staff protect and promote the rights of people with mental disabilities through a newly designed, planned and implemented intervention.

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

  • Numerous victims of human rights violations which were reported and recommended by the NHRC got compensated by the GoN
  • Inclusion of human rights in the national dialogue based on nationwide awareness raising
  • Increased capacity of the human rights community through capacity building of NHRC staff
  • Overall weak performance and hence low reputation of the NHRC due to lack of technical, financial, administrative and leadership skills
  • In the current context and as the apex human rights body the NHRC still needs to be strengthened
  • Donors recognize UNDP as the most feasible option for the third phase, however, with a different project focus and implementation modality and with safeguards for improved performance (e.g. harmonised daily allowances, direct implementation combined with national implementation instead of only national implementation and short fund disbursement periods).

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)
  • Entwicklungsprogramm der Vereinten Nationen

Andere Partner

Subcontracted experts for the technical assistance, selected through an open, transparent bidding process.

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

Synergies will be fostered with the Governance Facility. Regular exchange will take place with the Office of the Prime Minister. Coordination will be strengthened with the donor community through the Human Rights Core Group of the International Development Partners’ Group led by Switzerland in 2016.

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    800’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    758’058

Phase 3 01.05.2016 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)

Phase 2 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014   (Completed)