Project completed

COMUNDO’s focus is on knowledge exchange between professionals working on a voluntary basis (PEZA) and local partner organisations (PO) with the objective of institutional and capacity development of the PO. It improves individual and collective competencies, organisational development and networks of the PO. The supported POs contribute to social inclusion and equal livelihood assets access/protection of vulnerable groups. In Switzerland COMUNDO sensitizes civil society (CS) and politic decision makers to responsible action and behaviour.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Sector not specified
01.03.2018 - 28.02.2019
CHF  2’400’000
Background COMUNDO works in countries where human rights are very often not respected and social gaps continue to widen. Resulting social conflicts make a just access to basic livelihood assets and services (health, education) more and more difficult. Climate change and related environmental problems and reduced resilience in particular of marginalized population groups are further major challenges. COMUNDO’s South Program is supported by numerous faith based and community based organisations (CBO) and a high continuity of co-worker (CW). Recruiting professional volunteers becomes increasingly difficult because of: (i) dete-riorating security situation in partner countries, (ii) increased expectations by POs / country authorities on professionalism of volunteers and (iii) relative low monetary compensation.
Objectives Contribution to the improvement of the live situation of disadvantaged and socially excluded population groups in the South.
Target groups Local partner organisations
Faith and community based organisations in the field of basic education, vocational skills development, health and environment.
Organisations engaged in accompanying disadvantaged population groups to improve their living conditions.
Medium-term outcomes

Development Objective  Program South:
Contribution to the improvement of the access to livelihood assets and their protection

  • Direct outcome: Strengthened, better organized CS organizations learning to demand their rights.
  • Indirect outcome: Improved living conditions (health and income) for vulnerable groups

Development Goal Program North:
Contribution to the sensitization of the people in Switzerland in order to stand up to secure long-term livelihoods worldwide.

Institutional development of COMUNDO

  • COMUNDO continuously improves its institutional performance
  • COMUNDO develops a feasible and appropriate accountability approach proving relevance and impact of its CWs.
  • Contribution to a narrative for the engagement with civil society via voluntary work

Expected results:  

Outputs South program: Capacity building of 85 POs focusing on marginal-ized groups in 7 countries.

Outputs North program: Information and sensitization of interested Swiss promote the exchange on South-North themes and the development of common options for action and change.

Strategic development of PEZA. Planning, monitoring  and steering methods appropriate for PEZA identified and agreed upon.

Results from previous phases:  

COMUNDO sent 93 CW to projects of 70 POs 2017 to support by:

  • developing training curricula/material, - training employees of POs and accompanying learning processes they contributed to solutions to improve living conditions of PO target groups such as:
    (i) 643 handicapped children gained access to therapeutic interventions. 250/643 showed significant improvement in their development stages.
    (ii) Almost 700 members of Columbian youth groups created space for peace and new ways of interaction to apply non-violent conflict solutions.
    (iii) 34 network groups  (of 75 members) were involved in events organized by CW and their members, which resulted in media products (248 print/194 online/ 29 on radio/TV) for sensitization.
    Numerous media events in Switzerland such as: Human rights movie-days (700 visitors), series „Current politics“ (320 participants), 60 bakeries in Ticino distributed bread bags with a print about the topic „violence against women“, 13 guided tours (220 participants) about fair trade. Production of several quarterly publications.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Swiss Non-profit Organisation

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    2’400’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    2’400’000
Project phases

Phase 5 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2019   (Completed)

Phase 4 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017   (Completed) Phase 2 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014   (Completed) Phase 1 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013   (Completed)