SomReP, Somalia: Resilience Programme Consortium
In the fragile and conflict affected context of Somalia, SDC contribution to the Somalia Resilience Programme Consortium (SomReP) enables pastoral, agro-pastoral and peri-urban poor to increase their ability to prepare for, adapt to and live through shocks without eroding their productivity or assets. While focusing on capacity building, livelihood diversification and the elaboration of community-based early warning systems, this initiative is complementary to ongoing resilience and emergency relief oriented interventions.
Región/País | Tema | Período | Presupuesto |
Somalia Somalia |
Agricultura y seguridad alimentaria Cambio climático y medio ambiente
Desarrollo agrícolo
Investigación agrícola Environmental policy |
- 30.09.2015 |
CHF 600’000
- Communities' adaptive capacities improved
- Communities' absorptive capacities improved
- Sustainable natural resource management promoted
- Community based structures improved
- Programme learning and researches' results disseminated
- Livelihood diversification and improved access to markets, financial services, and basic livelihood services strengthened
- Communities' structure of disaster risk management and access to formal/informal safety nets improved
- Equitable and sustainable natural resource management enhanced
- Communities' coordination, Disaster Risk Reduction and conflict mitigation capacities developed through capacity-building of local government in leadership, gouvernance and technical areas; supportto local pastoralists on movility; and the stregthening of cooperatives
- Relevant information concerning Disaster Risk Reduction and Prevention, as well as SomReP's methodological approach is disseminated and shared among key stakeholders, with the ambition to push different humanitarian actors in the region toward disaster's prevetion (movility/risk/livelihood mappings and seasonal calendars)
Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE AGRICULTURA
Sub-Sector según clasificación del comité de ayuda al desarrollo de la OCDE Desarrollo agrario
Investigación agraria
Política medioambiental y gestión administrativa
Temas transversales El proyecto promueve la biodiversidad.
Tipo de ayuda Fondos conjuntos o mancomunados de donantes múltiples
Número de proyecto 7F09004
Contexto |
For the first time since the 2011 famin, the number of people in Somalia facing a situation of acute food insercurity has increased again. In a context dominated by weak human and instiutional capacity, lack of effective policies, rules, regulations and legislative arrangements, this increases not only the instability and fragmentation of the country but is also susceptible to lead to a renewed hunger crisis, if nothing is undertaken. |
Objetivos |
Vulnerable communities are increasingly able to prepare for, adapt to and live through shocks deriving from conflict and/or climate hardship. |
Grupos destinarios |
70'000 vulnerable pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and peri-urban households, representing approximately 420'000 individuals in more than 20 districts have been selected by SomReP's initiative. The selection features also included economic, physiological and social vulnerability criteria in order to prioritize the marginalized component of the Somali population. |
Efectos a medio plazo |
Resultados |
Resultados previstos: Resultados de las fases anteriores: N/A |
Dirección / Officina Federal responsable |
Crédito |
Ayuda humanitaria |
Contrapartes del proyecto |
Contraparte del contrato ONG internacional o extranjera Otras contrapartes NGO's in the consortium: Action Contre la Faim (ACF); the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA); CARE International; COOPI; the Danish Refugee Council; OXFAM and World Vision. Local Communities Local implementing agencies such as: Wajir south development association (WASDA) and the Social-life and Agricultural Development Organization (SADO) |
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores |
Join Resilience Strategy WFP/FAO/UNICEF; FAO Resilience sub-programme 2013-2015; Building Resilience Communities in Somalia (BRCis); ICRC EcoSec- Programme; Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FAO-FSNAU); Authorities in Somaliland, Puntland and Mogadishu; Future interactions with the Compact (most certainly PSG4). |
Presupuesto | Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF 600’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF 600’000 Total del proyecto desde la primera fase Presupuesto inclusive contrapartes del proyecto CHF 600’000 |
Fases del proyecto |
- 31.12.2025
(Fase en curso)
Fase 5
- 30.09.2024
Fase 3
- 28.02.2018
Fase 2
- 30.11.2016
Fase 1 01.10.2014 - 30.09.2015 (Completed) |