Global Financial Infrastructure Programme, Phase II

The Global Financial Infrastructure Programme fosters financial inclusion of individuals and responsible access to finance for SMEs through financial infrastructure reforms in SECO and SDC partner countries. It focuses on strengthening credit information systems, secured transaction reforms, as well as insolvency and debt resolution.

Pays/région Période Budget
Bosnie et Herzégovine
Monde entier
Macédoine du Nord
Afrique du Sud
01.07.2022 - 30.06.2027
CHF  18’000’000

Insufficient access to finance represents one of the most critical constraints to inclusive and sustainable economic development, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Responsible access to credit is the engine for private sector-led growth and SME competitiveness. However, key challenges are: (1) financial institutions often lack the necessary information to assess the creditworthiness of potential customers- (2) SMEs cannot provide sufficient or suitable collateral, and (3) insolvency and debt resolution is inefficient and time-consuming.


Overall, the Programme aims at fostering responsible access to finance and facilitating financial inclusion for individuals and SMEs underserved by the market. The Programme will develop regulatory frameworks, support capacity building, and advise on innovative financial products leading to deeper and more inclusive credit markets by improving loan conditions for SMEs. This will result in higher productivity, increased private sector growth and thus facilitate the creation of more and better jobs. Over a period of 5 years, the Programme will deliver tailored financial infrastructure reforms in three main areas: (i) credit information systems to enable flow of reliable credit related information- (ii) secured transaction reforms to increase lending to SMEs by using movable assets, and (iii) insolvency and debt resolution to facilitate effective restructurings and asset recovery. The Programme will be implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Effets à moyen terme

The regulatory and institutional environment allows for better and equal access to credit for women and men.

Relevant target groups are effectively covered by credit information systems, such as credit bureaus, and stakeholders are aware of it.

Financial institutions widely practice movable financing and regularly use collateral registries.

Alternate debt resolution practices and insolvency regimes are enacted and effectively implemented.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

Advisory services and capacity building are offered to relevant entities.

Diagnostic assessments in the specific areas are conducted.

Legal and regulatory reforms are drafted and international standards are developed.

The enhancement and deployment of IT systems and platforms is supported.

Research and knowledge are managed and shared with relevant stakeholders.

Awareness about the respective financial infrastructure is raised amongst relevant target groups and stakeholder.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

For Phase I (2015-2021) the Swiss contribution amounted to USD 17.42 million and the overall results achieved by 21 interventions in 17 countries include:

Credit information systems: The value of investment/financing facilitated amounted to over USD 450 billion, and the number of individuals/firms covered by credit bureaus increased by almost 50 million.

Secured transactions and asset-based lending: The value of investment/financing facilitated amounted to USD 844 billion and the number of SMEs that have received loans secured with movable property increased by almost 1.5 million.

As an example, the Programme has increased credit reporting coverage in Vietnam for almost 20 million new individuals/firms, which is estimated to facilitate financing for over 22 million individuals and businesses.

Direction/office fédéral responsable SECO
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    18’000’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF    19’000’000
Phases du projet Phase 4 01.07.2022 - 30.06.2027   (Phase en cours) Phase 3 01.01.2015 - 31.03.2021   (Completed)