Press releases, 13.12.2024

On 13 December 2024, the Federal Council adopted the revised National Action Plan (NAP) 2024–27 on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This revised plan aims to address regulatory and other challenges, while supporting businesses in improving their human rights due diligence practices.

The protection of human rights in economic activities is essential. The UN Guiding Principles, which form the basis of this Action Plan, are structured around three key pillars: the state's duty to protect, the responsibility of businesses, and access to remedy. These principles clarify the respective roles of the state and businesses, emphasising that the protection of human rights can only be ensured through effective cooperation between the public and private sectors.

Drawing on two external studies, the NAP 2024–27 aims to strengthen existing measures while introducing new measures tailored to address current challenges. The Action Plan aims to strengthen businesses' due diligence procedures and support them in complying with increasingly stringent human rights regulations. It provides a framework to help businesses effectively integrate human rights into their operations and develop remedy mechanisms. The Action Plan also strengthens businesses' contribution to sustainable development.

This is the second revision of the Action Plan since 2017. The new Action Plan was developed in consultation with the relevant departments and and is the result of extensive consultations with the business community, NGOs, social partners and academic circles.

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The Federal Council
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Last update 19.07.2023

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