Federal Council to develop Armaments Policy Strategy

Press releases, 27.11.2024

The continuing deterioration in the security situation calls for a revision of the existing armaments policy and for the Federal Council to exercise greater strategic control. At its meeting on 27 November, the Federal Council therefore instructed the DDPS to develop an Armaments Policy Strategy to be adopted by mid-2025.

The basis for Switzerland’s armaments policy has so far been provided by the Principles of the Swiss Federal Council for the Armaments Policy of the DDPS of 24 October 2018 and, building on this, the Armaments Strategy of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) of 1 January 2020. Both are based on the 2016 Security Policy Report. Taking account of the war in Ukraine and the significant changes in the security environment in Europe, the Federal Council’s Supplementary Report to the 2021 Security Policy Report, published on 7 September 2022, places greater emphasis on strengthening defence capabilities and intensifying international cooperation.

Comprehensive revision of armaments policy

Increasing the defence capabilities and resilience of the Armed Forces requires an armaments policy that takes greater account of Switzerland’s defence needs and the opportunities for cooperation in Europe. The Federal Council has therefore decided to develop its first Armaments Policy Strategy, which will address the following five areas:

1.    Switzerland will strengthen its key industrial capabilities in order to support the operational capability and the sustainability of its armed forces;
2.    Switzerland will improve its ability to evaluate and develop new technologies domestically and make them available to its armed forces;
3.    Switzerland will contribute to European security in the armaments sector, thereby strengthening its own security and independence;
4.    Switzerland will enhance the ability of its armed forces to cooperate internationally through armaments procurement;
5.    Switzerland will procure its armaments more quickly, more flexibly and more closely in line with technology cycles.

The Federal Office for Defence Procurement, armasuisse, will develop the Armaments Policy Strategy in cooperation with the EAER (SECO), the FDFA (FDFA State Secretariat), FDF (FFA), other relevant federal agencies and with the involvement of key entities in technology and industry. There will be close coordination with the ongoing work on the 2025 Security Policy Strategy, led by the State Secretariat for Security Policy (SEPOS).

The Federal Council intends to adopt the Armament Policy Strategy by mid-2025.

Address for enquiries:

Samanta Leiser
armasuisse Communications
+41 58 465 33 79


The Federal Council
Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports