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The first edition of the Young Activists Summit in Geneva awards six young women as drivers of progress

10.12.2019 — Local news Mission Geneva
Promoting the image of young women and girls as drivers of progress, encouraging them to take action and fostering solidarity among girls and young people: these were the main aims of the Young Activists Summit that was held on 10 December 2019 in the symbolic Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations room at the "Palais des Nations" in Geneva. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad as the guest of honour of this first edition.

Strengthening International Humanitarian Law at the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

09.12.2019 — Local news Mission Geneva
Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis pleaded for the reinforcement of international humanitarian law on the occasion of the opening of the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to be held from 9 to 12 December in Geneva. In his speech, Mr. Cassis emphasized on the importance of the work of the more than 17 million volunteers who are and make the movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The Confederation and the Canton and City of Geneva pay tribute to 100 years of multilateralism and the city's role as a centre for global governance

16.09.2019 — Press releases Mission Geneva
Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis, President of the Geneva State Council Antonio Hodgers and Administrative Councillor of the City of Geneva Sami Kanaan have signed a joint declaration underscoring the key role played by International Geneva in addressing future challenges. The joint declaration pays tribute to 100 years of multilateralism and reaffirms the commitment of the Swiss government and the Canton and City of Geneva to International Geneva's role as a centre of global governance. The signing ceremony was followed by the presentation of a volume of key Swiss diplomatic documents going back to the establishment of the League of Nations a century ago.

On the Mont Blanc for Social Justice

04.09.2019 — Local news Mission Geneva
Representatives of workers, employers and the French and Swiss governments marked the ILO’s 100th anniversary on the top of the Alps.

Social partnership serve prosperity

18.06.2019 — Press releases Mission Geneva
At ILO, Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin underlines need of investments in training for managing opportunities and risks of digitalization.

UN Blue Book : Diplomatic titles in French will be feminized

12.06.2019 — Press releases Mission Geneva
The initiative, launched by Switzerland and realized thanks to the commitment of the International Organisation of La Francophonie, was enthusiastically endorsed by the Director General of the UN in Geneva as a contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal 5.

Object 49 – 60 of 130

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