Structure of a project proposal



1. Summary

What is it all about?

Previous support phases

What does the Partner hope to achieve through this project?

Target groups, objectives of the overall project

 What is going to be the Partner’s contribution and performance?

2. Context and brief history

what is of utmost importance to the understanding of the project?

General situation in the country / region, particular situation in the concerned area,

Who are the target groups and the indirectly affected people? How do they benefit from the project?

Achievements so far in terms of effects & impact

Insights from evaluation

3. Objectives

What shall be

accomplished and


Objectives of the overall project:

expected Impact, far-reaching effects on the described situation of the target groups – qualitatively/quantitatively

Are the change hypotheses (direct products /services è effects è  impact) plausible?

What is the strategy for improving sustainability?

What are the expected outcomes on the partner organisations?

Crucial assumptions?

4. Partners & Alliances

Who shall be the


The Partner’s visions, mission, interests.

How does the Partner and the network partners benefit from the project?

Roles and responsibilities of the Partner / Network partners? Mechanism of decision-making?

Exit strategy

prerequisites, risks

5. Resources

What is required? Who shall contribute what?

Resources required in terms of personnel, technology, know how, finance, evt. funding to different partners

Subsidiarity to partners' initiatives, mobilisation of local resources, mechanisms for self-financing

Contribution of the Partner

6. Overall assessment

Why should SDC stay involved?

Who was involved or consulted at the time of preparation?

Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, obstacles and risks

Comparative advantages and disadvantages?

7. Monitoring

How is the project evaluated?

Are there indicators for assessment of work progress which have been jointly agreed upon? Indicators of success? Of the effects? Evaluation mechanisms?

What support is needed for processes of evaluation, monitoring & controlling?

8. Enclosures

Mandatory enclosures to the credit proposal

Logical Framework or similar planning overview

Detailed budget

Institutional analysis incl. assessment of management and implementation capacities

Organisational set-up (organogramme)  

Short description of crucial aspects:

- Contribution towards poverty reduction
- Reduction of structural causes of conflict,     gender    
- HIV/Aids pandemic effects on project
- Sustainability
- Future phase / exit-strategy

The  partner means responsible organisation (Govt., NGO, CSO)