Switzerland contributes to advancing dignity, safety and protection in the oPt and Israel, with a focus on the most vulnerable population, in a context of widespread discrimination and settlement expansion. Switzerland pursues the promotion and respect of human rights and International Humanitarian Law by all parties. This includes strengthening the capacity as well as support for monitoring and awareness-raising activities carried out by national and international actors in close coordination with like-minded countries. Emphasis is put on supporting gender equality, including through local actors that address gender-based violence. By empowering human rights defenders in Israel and the oPt, Switzerland contributes to checks and balances, accountability and equal treatment before the law. Activities supported include advocacy, reporting and the provision of legal aid. Switzerland supports the relevant humanitarian actors and human rights defenders, and contributes to the protection of their space of action and expression. In order to reinforce its actions, Switzerland participates in coordination mechanisms and platforms such as the Good Humanitarian Donorship, the Human Rights Platform and the PA-managed Local Aid Coordination architecture (justice, gender).