Understanding consequences of introgression of insecticidal transgenes from Bt maize into open-pollinating maize varieties: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, North-West University
Impacts of land use patterns in South Africa (Ilupsa): Agroscope, Stellenbosch University
South African cropland dust emission risks: physical thresholds, environmental and socioeconomic patterns: University of Basel, University of Cape Town
Sustainable honeybush plant-production - product nexus: University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Agricultural Research Council
Applying life cycle assessment to mitigate environmental impacts of South African agri-food: Zürich University of Applied Sciences, University of Cape Town
Discovery of factors regulating carbohydrate storage in plants: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, Stellenbosch University
Space in time: landscape narratives and land management changes in a southern African cross-border region: University of Basel, University of Cape Town