Webinar ¦ Post-Covid Competitiveness and the Challenges of Hong Kong SAR China

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Wednesday, 22.07.2020 – Wednesday, 22.07.2020


Invitation © FDFA


The pandemic and its subsequent global crisis has taught us that the competitiveness of nations is now more important than ever.  In the midst of a de-globalization process, with trade conflicts and trade wars, and restrictions to the movement of people, national policies are going to play a fundamental role in the prosperity of people.


Prof. Arturo Bris of the IMD Business School will present pm July 22th at 6pm the 2020 IMD World Competitiveness Ranking, the reasons for Hong Kong’s drop in the ranking and its meaning for the future. Possible solutions to the current global issues through the lens of the competitiveness model will be discussed.



  • 6.00pm Welcome by Rolf Frei, Consul General of Switzerland of HK and Macao and by Gabriel Mallet, President of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in HK
  • 6.10pm Presentation by Prof Arturo Bris
  • 7.00pm Q&A
  • 7.30pm / 7.45pm Closing remarks

To register kindly visit Eventbrite here

Location: Hong Kong