Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme Phase 2 (CALAC+ 2)

Phase 2 of the Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme (CALAC+) will support the consolidation and implementation of local and national measures to reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) from urban transport and non-road mobile machinery to protect the climate and human health. CALAC+ will foster normative and technological changes through regional cooperation, building on Swiss expertise, and share the programme’s experience at the global level. 

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Amérique latine
Changement climatique & environnement
Protection de la biosphère
Politique de l’environnement
01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025
CHF  3’200’000

Context: The transport sector in Latin America – despite increased political will and the progress of recent years – continues to be one of the main sources of GHG emissions and the main cause of black carbon release, contributing both to climate change and to air pollution, with detrimental health impacts. Latin American countries still face many challenges, such as poor fuel quality, old bus technology, and limitations in emission control in real driving conditions. The problem of high soot emissions from non-road mobile machinery (NRMM), such as that used in construction, is increasingly recognised by authorities, in large part thanks to phase 1 of CALAC+. The management of emissions from this sector is just beginning to be addressed through inventory building, and there is a strong demand for capacity building to improve their regulation. Authorities of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru have requested continued technical assistance from SDC thanks to Switzerland’s long standing experience and well-recognised expertise in managing air pollution and climate change issues. These countries – also members of the global Climate and Clean Air Coalition CCAC – have different regulatory frameworks and emission reduction targets, but have a common goal of fleet modernisation and the reduction of bus and non-road mobile machinery emissions. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the economies of Latin America severely, the economic recovery processes initiated by the partner countries represent an opportunity for CALAC+ to contribute to the implementation of soot-free buses and NRMM regulations, accelerating thus the shift towards more sustainable transport with clean technologies.


The overall objective of CALAC+ is to reduce harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions in Latin American capitals through the use of clean, soot-free engine technologies in urban public transport and non-road mobile machinery to mitigate climate change and protect human health.

The second phase of CALAC+ will continue with the dynamics achieved in the first phase, promoting in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru the design and implementation of urban transport measures, such as the introduction of clean urban buses and the construction of regulatory frameworks that introduce the use of NRMM with cleaner technology that reduces emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. This contribution is relevant and highly appreciated by the CALAC+ countries, as in the medium term all of these four partner countries have decided to migrate to cleaner technologies that not only significantly reduce the contribution to global warming but also reduce the negative impact on health.

Groupes cibles Direct beneficiaries: Government officials of the Ministries/Secretariats of Environment, Transport and Public Works of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru; Indirect beneficiaries: Due to the scope of the measures promoted by CALAC+2, the urban population of Bogota, Lima, Mexico City and Santiago de Chile, totalling about 34 million inhabitants, will ultimately benefit from improved air quality. To a lesser extent, CALAC+2 will benefit urban populations of other cities in the 4 partner countries, as well as Quito, Cuenca and La Paz.
Effets à moyen terme

Outcome 1 Cleaner urban transport:

Emissions of ultrafine particles, black carbon and greenhouse gases from the public transport system are significantly and sustainably reduced.

Outcome 2 Public policy incubator for non-road mobile machinery: Proposed policies and regulatory frameworks for the reduction of emissions of ultra-fine particulate matter, black carbon and greenhouse gases from non-road mobile machinery in urban areas are implemented.

Outcome 3 Regional and Global Cooperation: Proven policies, actions and cost-effective technologies are systematised and shared at regional and global level.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

· Evaluation of the performance of electric buses to accelerate the modernisation of the public transport fleet. (Outcome 1)

· Country specific financing models to renew the urban public transport fleet. (Outcome 1)

· Technical document to introduce environmental labelling for non-road mobile machinery. (Outcome 2)

· Study to identify incentives for the use of clean machinery in cities. (Outcome 2)

· Protocol for verifying machinery emissions certification (including generators). (Outcome 2)

· Studies of clean technology operation in zero emission cities. (Outcome 3)

- Tool for the dissemination of country experiences as well as technical documents. (Outcome 3)

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

Outcome 1 – Soot-free and low-carbon buses: contributions were made to the introduction of cleaner technology to reduce emissions in the urban bus fleets in Bogota, Lima and Mexico City, based on the experience of Santiago. In Santiago, the efficiency of electric buses in circulation and their life cycle was evaluated, awakening the interest of Bogotá and Lima with a view to expanding and renewing their fleets.

Outcome 2 – City policy incubators for urban off-road machinery: CALAC+ has succeeded in raising awareness about the importance of NRMM as a major contributor to emissions in the four countries. In Colombia it supported the enactment of unprecedented regulation for new machinery. In Mexico City and Lima, the issue is now being incorporated into local air quality plans. In Chile, it was possible to increase the positioning and scope of the country's internal objectives and CALAC+ accompanied the Chilean Ministry of Public Works in the implementation of diesel particle filters in its equipment.

Outcome 3 – Global knowledge management network: The experiences generated in the four partner countries were shared at the regional and global levels through workshops and events. One of the key aspects for the promotion of normative and technological changes in both the transport sector and NRMM has been to assess the health and environmental benefits of measures, as well as their cost-benefit ratio. CALAC+ developed four tools to conduct this analysis that have generated great interest in the partner countries and have been presented at global level in the CCAC. 

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Organisation suisse à but non lucratif
  • Sectreur privé étranger Sud/Est
  • Swisscontact

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs

Global: Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT).

Regional: Pan American Health Organization (WHO/PAHO), The Pacific Alliance, Regional Platform on Resilient and Low Emission Development Strategies for Latin America (LEDS LAC).

Switzerland: Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), ETHZ, VERT-Association.

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    3’200’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    2’156’880
Phases du projet Phase 2 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2025   (Phase en cours) Phase 1 25.11.2016 - 31.07.2021   (Completed)