SUD, OCHA: Sudan Humanitarian Fund 2024
The SHF is a country-based pooled fund that contributes to saving lives and protecting people in need by strengthening a coordinated and principled humanitarian response. It enables humanitarian actors to respond early and fast to humanitarian needs set out in the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and to critical emergencies. All interventions are in line with the Minimum Operating Standards approved by the Humanitarian Country Team.
Pays/région | Thème | Période | Budget |
Soudan |
Aide humanitaire & RRC nothemedefined
Efficacité humanitaire
- 31.12.2024 |
CHF 3’100’000
- Bureau des Nations Unies pour la coordination de l’assistance humanitaire
- OCHA - Country-based Pool Funds
Secteur selon catégorisation du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE INTERVENTION D'URGENCE
Sous-Secteur selon catégorisation du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE Coordination des secours et services de soutien et de protection
Type d'aide Panier de fonds ou fonds commun multidonateur
Numéro de projet 7F09054
Contexte | Due to the escalating violence across Sudan since 15 April 2023, an estimated 24.8m people - half of the country’s population - will require humanitarian aid in 2024. Despite the overall figure matching the 2023 estimate, the severity of the situation has increased significantly. Currently, a "catastrophic" level of needs is observed in 17 localities, up from 14 in May 2023, with nearly half situated in the Darfur region. The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan aims to secure USD 2.7b to provide multicluster, life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable, including 14.7m people. As in 2023, the Food Security and Livelihood cluster comprises the highest number of people in need (19.3m), followed by WASH (18.9m), and Health (14.7m). Lack of access due to insecurity and bureaucratic impediments continues to hinder humanitarian organizations from reaching those in need. Furthermore, insufficient resources and attention pose daunting challenges. Aid organizations and agencies have been issuing warnings of a looming hunger catastrophe and, with fears that 7m people could face extreme hunger by the lean season of June 2024. |
Objectifs | Providing timely, coordinated and principled assistance to save lives, protect people in need, and respond swiftly to sudden on-set emergency needs. |
Groupes cibles | The SHF seeks to provide humanitarian assistance to displaced people, refugees, returnees and vulnerable host communities in Sudan. |
Effets à moyen terme |
1. Provide timely multi-sectoral life-saving assistance to crisis-affected people to reduce mortality and morbidity 2. Improve vulnerable people’s access to livelihoods and life-sustaining basic services 3. Mitigate protection risks and respond to protection needs through humanitarian action |
Résultats |
Principaux résultats attendus: SHF currently holds USD 20m in reserve and expects an additional USD 20m in donor contributions by April 2024. In anticipation of these funds, SHF plans to allocate USD 36m, with USD 30m designated for a food response, and USD 6m for efforts by Emergency Response Rooms. The food response allocation will assist NGOs in covering logistics costs for the movement and distribution of stock procured by UN agencies, alongside related operational expenses. This allocation will also support essential health, WASH, and agricultural activities. Close coordination with CERF will ensure maximum complementarity of the USD 30m food allocation exclusive to NGOs and the USD 15m CERF allocation to agencies. Principaux résultats antérieurs: As of August 2023 SHF had reached approx. 2.12m people in need, with 56.1% being women and girls (total figure for 2023 still outstanding). The fund continued to earn the trust by donors as an effective and efficient emergency-focused instrument, specialized in providing timely and flexible funding to hard-to-reach areas. It received USD 102m in contributions, equivalent to 9% of the HRP-funded amount. Of this, 3m was allocated before 15 April and USD 82m after the outbreak of the current conflict. Priority clusters included NFI, Health, WASH, Protection, Nutrition and Food Security. In December alone, SHF released USD 33m in response to the cholera outbreak, and the most urgent needs in Darfur, Kordofan, and Blue Nile states. With its 31 partners in 2023, around 62% of the funding was granted to INGOs, 25% to NNGOs (directly or indirectly), and 9% to UN agencies. SHF assured an open, transparent, agile and well-informed allocation approach, prioritizing the needs of the people by providing funding to the best-placed partners. |
Direction/office fédéral responsable |
Partenaire de projet |
Partenaire contractuel Organisme des Nations Unies (ONU) |
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs | Sudan's Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) oversees the SHF and its allocations. The HC receives support from the SHF Humanitarian Financing Unit within OCHA, the SHF Advisory Board, and IASC. Synergies are achievable with other SDC-funded projects and contributing donors, in particular in the sectors of Protection, Food Security, or WASH. Switzerland will keep close contact with the advisory board members to follow up on developments. |
Budget | Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF 3’100’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF 3’100’000 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF 16’603’945 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF 17’603’945 |
Phases du projet | Phase 8 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 (Phase en cours) Phase 6 01.04.2022 - 31.12.2022 (Completed) Phase 3 22.11.2016 - 31.12.2017 (Completed) Phase 2 15.03.2015 - 31.12.2015 (Completed) Phase 1 17.04.2014 - 31.12.2014 (Completed) |