It turns out that there are a lot of women in the water sector of Uzbekistan

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Press releases, 31.05.2021

Is the water sector traditionally "masculine"?

Women in water sector of Uzbekistan
Women in water sector of Uzbekistan © SDC

The question why the water sector is traditionally "masculine" was answered at the online round table held on May 26, 2021 to present the results of the Gender Assessment of Uzbekistan’s Water Sector.

The Assessment conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Water Resources and its Information and Analytical Resource Center within the framework of the SDC funded National Water Resources Management Project, Phase II is the first ever survey of such nationwide scope in Uzbekistan. It will serve as a critical starting point for gender mainstreaming in the sector fostering equitable access of women and men to water use, management and decision-making at the farm, community, irrigation system, basin and national levels.

About 200 women across the country representing water management hierarchy from the Ministry to the rayon irrigation departments, water user associations and farms participated in the round table. They openly shared own success stories, points of view and made interesting proposals that will be included in the recommendation part of the study.