Swiss Embassy - Ministry of Water Ressources Handover

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Local news, 31.08.2022

Switzerland supports the Ministry of Water Resources of Uzbekistan in building the capacity of 156 district irrigation departments and professional colleges of the MoWR system.

On August 25, 2022, H.E. Konstantin Obolensky,  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to the Republic of Uzbekistan handed over the office and special equipment procured by SDC as well as textbooks developed by the SDC supported project to the Ministry of water resources of Uzbekistan (MoWR).

"Today's event for transferring office, special equipment, WST textbooks, demo plots, and laboratories is not just a PR action. This is a component of the consistent and systematic work aimed at reforming Uzbekistan’s water sector in close cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources.  At the national level, it includes strengthening the strategic IWRM framework, such as developing the Water Concept and Water Strategy and drafting the Water Code. At lower levels of water hierarchy, it fosters the implementation of IWRM principles", – said the Ambassador.

Handover Ceremony 25.08.2022
Handover Ceremony 25.08.2022 ©FDFA

This event is a part of the comprehensive tailor-made capacity-building program for the Rayon Irrigation Departments (RID) and MoWR colleges to support the modernization of water resources management in Uzbekistan through the National Water Resources Management Project (NWRMP). It includes providing necessary equipment and targeted trainings to form RIDs and MoWR colleges’ potential as the key to ensuring effective, sustainable water use and water monitoring at the local level based on the Information Communication and Water Saving Technologies. 

Switzerland also supported the development of new water saving technologies (WST) course and textbooks for academic use in vocational colleges of the MoWR system. For the beginning of the new academic year WST demonstration plots and equipped WST laboratories in each of the 9 MoWR vocational colleges have also been established.

NWRMP is also an example of good cooperation between the countries: while Switzerland is equipping each of 156 RIDs with furniture, computers, printers, and special instruments, the Government of Uzbekistan contributes substantial financial resources for the renovation of dedicated offices in RIDs and proper operation of ICT tools developed by the project jointly with MoWR and Information Analytical Resource center (IARC). MoWR has also provided specialized classrooms and property to establish laboratories and demo plots in its colleges.

Handover Ceremony 25.08.2022
Handover Ceremony 25.08.2022 ©FDFA

Switzerland's engagement in Central Asia puts a lot of focus on promoting integrated and equitable transboundary water management. In line with the international cooperation strategy and regional program, Switzerland is committed to continuing its support to the countries of Central Asia to manage all water resources through an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach. 

In is noteworthy that the event was held on the eve of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between Switzerland and Uzbekistan and Uzbekistan’s Independence day.