UNICEF Contribution générale 2022-2024

Projekt abgeschlossen

UNICEF is one of Switzerland’s key partners to achieve the Swiss strategic priorities in education, health and child protection in both development and humanitarian contexts. Switzerland has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which guides UNICEF’s universal mandate. As one of the UN’s largest agencies, UNICEF plays a key role in the United Nations Development System (UNDS) Reform to more effectively deliver results for children as part of the 2030 Agenda. 

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Primäre Gesundheitsversorgung
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
CHF  126’000’000
Zuständigkeitsbereich UNICEF, established in 1946, is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. UNICEF works towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in collaboration with all its partners. UNICEF’s work contributes notably to the realization of SDG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 16 related respectively to end poverty, zero hunger, health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality, clear water and sanitation, and peaceful, just and inclusive societies. UNICEF’s mandate covers both humanitarian action and development cooperation and has developed a strong humanitarian development nexus at conceptual, organizational and operational levels. UNICEF hosts the global Education Cannot Wait Fund, which is dedicated to education in emergencies and protracted crises and supported by Switzerland. UNICEF is one of the UN’s lead agencies in mobilizing private sector contributions to achieving the Agenda 2030. The inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is a priority for UNICEF. For example, UNICEF has stepped up its social protection programmes to counter an increase in child poverty and threats to food security are met by increasing efforts to prevent, detect and treat malnutrition. UNICEF’s Humanitarian Funding Appeal for 2022 amounts to USD 9.3 billion (compared to USD 7.2 billion in 2021), reflecting the unprecedented child rights crisis.  
Strategische Schwerpunkte der Schweiz und der Organisation und deren Kohärenz

UNICEF is one of Switzerland’s 16 priority multilateral development organisations as outlined in Switzerland’s International Cooperation (IC) Strategy 2021-2024, and one of Switzerland’s key development and humanitarian partner since 1985.UNICEF’s goal areas (health & nutrition, education, child protection, water, sanitation & climate change and social protection) match Swiss strategic priorities. Switzerland leverages its own thematic expertise (education, protection and humanitarian-development nexus) and geographic network to support UNICEF. UNICEF is an important partner for Switzerland in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its 3 facultative protocols that were all ratified by Switzerland. UNICEF also contributes to the implementation of SDC’s Education Strategy and is an important partner for Switzerland to promote the humanitarian-development nexus and to contribute to the UNDS Reform implementation. Through its core contribution Switzerland gains influence over UNICEF’s policy and strategy development and contributes to an inclusive COVID-19 recovery.

For the period 2022-2024 Switzerland’s core contribution to UNICEF will increase to CHF 63 Mio., compared to CHF 59.6 Mio. for 2017-2020. Switzerland’s Core Contribution will thereby near the level before the implementation of the federal stabilization measures 2018-2020 (Core Contribution 2015-2017: CHF 66 Mio

Resultate des Engagement der Organisation der vorangehenden Phase

UNICEF has delivered significant development results for children. Three years into the Strategic Plan 2018-2021, around 72 per cent of Strategic Plan output milestones have been met or nearly met. In 2020 alone, UNICEF provided educational materials to more than 43 million children, of whom 22.4 million in humanitarian settings, thereby becoming the largest education-in-emergencies provider globally. Community-based mental health and psychosocial support services reached 47.2 million children, adolescents, parents and caregivers and 44.3 million children and adults had access to services to protect them from sexual exploitation and abuse. Results from 2020 onwards reflect programmatic shifts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and include an increased emphasis on mental health services, cash-based support and teachers’ trainings on online teaching. In addition, UNICEF has taken a lead in the joint UN COVAX facility to ensure the supply of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. At the same time, COVID-19 did have an adverse impact on UNICEF’s ability to deliver in programmatic areas such as immunization and treatment of severe acute malnutrition, access to sanitation in humanitarian crises and child-sensitive national DRR plans.

From an institutional perspective UNICEF has continued to improve gender responsive programming, organizational efficiency and enhanced results-based management. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF has ensured business continuity through effectively adapting its working methods.

Resultate des Schweizer Engagement der vorangehenden Phase

Achievements resulting from Switzerland’s engagement in its priority areas education, protection, institutional effectiveness and UNDS Reform are satisfactory and include the development and adoption of the new UNICEF Evaluation Policy, the integration of the evaluation pooled fund into the integrated budget 2022-2025 and the new Education Strategy (2019-2030). The new SP 2022-2025 reflects Switzerland’s priorities well and positions UNICEF well to further contribute to the implementation of the UNDS Reform and QCPR mandate. Thanks to Switzerland’s intervention, UNICEF and the other 3 F+Ps[1] will report on system-wide results achieved jointly on an annual basis. Switzerland also contributed substantially to the revised and harmonized cost-recovery policy of the 4 F+Ps. As member of the UNICEF EB Bureau in 2020, Switzerland promoted transparency and inclusiveness of the UN Cooperation Frameworks and Country Programme Document development process and advocated for a harmonized drafting process of the 4 F+Ps new SPs resulting in largely harmonized new results frameworks. Swiss presence within UNICEF has remained stable with 21 Swiss professional staff working for UNICEF and a constant pipeline of Swiss JPOs with a 100% retention rate.

About 10% of Swiss core contributions were used by UNICEF to rapidly and flexibly respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

[1] UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA & UN Women are the four New York based Funds and Programmes (4 F+Ps)

Mittelfristige Wirkung des gegenwärtigen Engagements der Organisation

The overall expected impact of UNICEF’s new SP 2022-2025 is to realize the rights of every child, including adolescents, especially the most excluded, and is a continuation of the preceeding SP.

UNICEF’s development effectiveness will be strenghtened thanks to more integrated, multi-sectoral approaches, gender transformative programming, innovation and digital transformation, risk informed humanitarian and development nexus programming, more effective public and private partnerships and more coherent collaboration with UN-sister agencies. New cross-cutting programming on resilience, peacebuilding and sustaining peace, and climate action will orient UNICEF’s work towards addressing fragility and the root causes of conflict, crisis and displacement. Partnerships with international finance institutions, the private sector and civil society will aim at leveraging resources for the SDG implementation.

Organisational effectiveness will improve further through better use and implementation of evaluation findings, effective fraud risk assessment practices, concise follow up on audit recommendaitons, strenghtend organizational culture (including systems to prevent sexual abuse and exploitation and sexual harrassment) and high levels of transparecy.

Mittelfristige Wirkung des gegenwärtigen Engagements der Schweiz

Switzerland will continue to engage with UNICEF on the following priorities:

·     Switzerland supports equal access for all children to quality basic education and learning in development and humanitarian contexts and improved protection of children from violence and exploitation

·     Switzerland supports improved organisational effectiveness, with a focus on evaluation, results-oriented engagement with the private sector, gender transformative programming and financial sustainability 

·     Switzerland supports strengthened humanitarian and development Nexus

·     Switzerland supports implementation of the UNDS reform with a focus on inter-agency coherence and cooperation.

·     Switzerland advocates for enhanced coherence and partnerships with the World Bank.

·     Swiss positions are informed through feedback from SDC field offices and their collaboration with UNICEF. Information from SDC HQ to the field contributes to a coherent approach towards UNICEF.

·     Switzerland advocates for an increased numberof Swiss professionals at UNICEF.

In order to enhance system-wide coherence, Switzerland will closely follow the 4 F+Ps monitoring and reporting on the QCPR as well as results achieved jointly with other agencies. Switzerland’s multilateral engagement with UNICEF will contribute positively to Switzerland’s successful candidacy for and membership in the Security Council.

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Kreditbereich Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)
  • United Nations Children’s Fund

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    126’000’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    21’000’000
Platz der Schweiz auf der Rangliste der Grösse der Geberbeiträge

7th (government donors, core funding)


(core, 2020):

Government: 1. USA, 2. Germany, 3. Sweden, 4. UK, 5. Norway, 6. Netherlands, 7. Switzerland, 8. Japan, 9. Canada, 10. Denmark.. 

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

Switzerland coordinates its positions with the Western European and Others Group (WEOG), and establishes cross-regional alliances. Switzerland regularly exchanges with the Swiss National Committee for UNICEF


Phase 26 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)

Phase 25 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021   (Completed) Phase 24 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020   (Completed) Phase 22 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2016   (Completed)