One World – A world trip four times a year

«One World» – the SDC’s magazine – Take a different kind of world trip four times a year and experience regions and countries from unusual perspectives. Find out about the problems and chances of a dedicated cooperation. The magazine offers regular information on important development issues and comments on current questions. 

Previous editions of the magazine "One World"

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Publications (44)

Object 13 – 24 of 44

Un seul monde 3/2020

How is the fight against poverty progressing? What actions have the various countries taken to achieve the UN's sustainable development objectives? How can rapid and effective action be taken when a crisis breaks out? With Agenda 2030, the collection and analysis of statistical data has also become more important for development cooperation. However, not all countries have effective institutions.

Un seul monde 1/2019

Diaspora et transferts d’argent : Les envois de fonds vers les pays d’origine sont toujours plus importants / Le grand écart du Tadjikistan : Espoir, émigration et corruption caractérisent ce pays de haute montagne / Offensive chinoise : Les milliards investis par Pékin dans les pays en développement constituent-ils un engagement durable ou un simple calcul politico-économique?

Object 13 – 24 of 44