Terre des Hommes Schweiz (TdH Schweiz)

Project completed

Social participation of youth is an objective and at the same time a condition for sustainable development. Young people are often marginalized and lack economic and social perspectives. Youth unemployment worldwide has dramatically risen in the last years and youth, especially girls, are far more exposed to violence and HIV-Aids than adults. terre des hommes schweiz program empowers young people to identify and use opportunities of participation and to advocate within communities for their rights and interests.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Conflict & fragility
Human rights
Vocational training
Conflict prevention
Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS
Vocational training
01.01.2017 - 31.12.2018
CHF  4’760’000

Youth unemployment rates are increasing, with significant regional differences and adverse consequences such as poverty, migration and diseases (e.g. HIV-AIDS prevalence). Females particularly face extremely high unemployment rates. Africa’s relatively young population (about 40 percent of its population is estimated to be below 15 years of age), combined with the continent’s high fertility rate, is likely to magnify the so-called youth bulge. This trend could have positive consequences for development, if properly channeled. History and presence of violence in Central and South America puts young people at risk to become victims of or involved in criminal activities.


Strengthen resilience of young people exposed to (gender based) violence, HIV/Aids, and poverty and empower youth to participate in decision making process regarding their political, social and economic rights and interests.

Medium-term outcomes
  • To reduce violence of and against youth (special focus on gender based violence in southern and eastern Africa
  • To promote solution focused and participatory approaches in development work with youth
  • To improve economic perspectives of youth through vocational training and skills development and support to income generating activities
  • To sensitize youth in Switzerland and in partner countries on racism and exclusion trough youth projects imagine and imagine international
  • To sensitize Swiss public on positive and negative aspects of youth migration in the South 

Approaches to prevent gender based violence (GBV) and to support victims of GBV: 

  • Evaluate the impact of the solution based approach to support victims of SGBV.
  • Improve monitoring systems of partner organization with regards to GBV.
  • Capitalize best practices of GBV programs.



Results from previous phases:  

  • 190’000 youth and their communities reached through the program of TdH Schweiz together with 55 partner organizations in 9 countries.
  • Several thousand young people overcome access barriers to a formal certificated vocational training, established their business plan and increased their revenues through income generating activities (Mozambique, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru)
  • Increased participation of youth in community based organizations (i.e. cooperatives) and community development (Brazil, Nicaragua)
  • Strengthened capacity of 11’000 young community leaders in solution focused approaches working with marginalized youth and youth groups (Mozambique, south Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe)
  • Improved self-confidence of several thousand marginalized youth trough medical and psycho-social support to victims of gender-based-violence (SGBV), and support to reintegration of orphans in schools (Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa).
  • Youth festival imagine against racism and violence in Basel with hundreds of young people contributing to its organization and 35’000 visitors.

Outcome Monitoring at country level:


  • Thanks to regular consultations with SDC Quality Assurance network, improved methodological capacities in TdH Schweiz to elaborate country strategies and results frameworks.
  • Elaboration of impact hypothesis for domain, country strategies and results frameworks in program document 2017 – 2020.



Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Terre des Hommes CH (Basel)

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’760’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    4’750’000
Project phases Phase 8 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022   (Completed) Phase 7 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020   (Completed)

Phase 6 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2018   (Completed)

Phase 5 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2016   (Completed) Phase 4 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014   (Completed)