Afghanistan Quality Learning (AQL)

Project completed

Though it remains low, access to education in Afghanistan has improved significantly over the past decade. The low standard of education however is a serious problem and impedes the development of the country. Working through the competent directorates of the Ministry of Education, the project therefore aims at improving the quality of education. This, by strengthening methodology and subject specific knowledge and promoting community involvement for school improvements.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Primary education
Teacher training
Education policy
01.03.2019 - 31.03.2023
CHF  9’850’000
Background Education is a powerful means to tackle poverty and inequality. It develops people’s abilities to lead meaningful and productive lives, to pursue sustainable development, and to enhance social cohesion and resilience. In Afghanistan, where almost 50% of the population are younger than 15 years, education constitutes a key investment in the future of the country and must be a fundamental element of a development policy. Since 2002, the number of children in schools has increased almost nine fold, reaching 9.2 million, of which 39% were girls. Nevertheless, enrolment and attendance rates remain low: Only 42% of school-aged children (aged 5-14) are enrolled in schools and an estimated 3.7 million children remain out of school, of which 2.2 million are girls. The reasons for non-attendance in education are a multi-facetted issue, related both to questions of access and quality of education, but also to wider socioeconomic factors. On the supply side, lack of infrastructure (buildings, water and sanitation, boundary walls), equipment (textbooks, furniture, etc.) and of qualified teachers, especially female, negatively affect education. In the past, efforts of the government and donors were overwhelmingly directed at improving access, but the low quality of education is increasingly recognized as a problem. Of particular concern is the disparity in quality between rural and urban areas.
Objectives Girls and boys benefit from quality learning in a conducive environment.
Target groups

The project will support the General Directorate for Academic Supervision and the Directorate for Social Mobilisation within the Ministry of Education. It will work closely with the Policy and Planning Department.

The project will directly target 45 Kabul-based staffs of the General Directorate for Academic Supervision and the Directorate for Social Mobilisation, who will be capacitated to work with a further 485 direct staff beneficiaries at the province and district level.

Academic supervisors and social mobilizers will be facilitated to work with a targeted 1'100 schools and school shuras, assess the performance of 2'200 school administrators and 20’700 teachers and work with them for better service delivery; and to assess learning outcomes of approx. 843’875 students.

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: Communities contribute to improved (inclusive, equitable and safe) learning environments in support of quality education and relevant learning outcomes.

Outcome 2: Educational institutions, especially academic supervision, at national and sub-national level provide better services to enhance school performance, quality and relevancy of learning and equity.


Expected results:  

Output 1.1: National and sub-national staff trained and mentored to strengthen communities' support for quality education.

Output 1.2: School management shuras trained and mentored to undertake monitoring of education services and engage in school improvement initiatives.

Output 1.3: Communities mobilized to support inclusive, equitable & safe learning environment, particularly for marginalized groups.

Output 2.1: National competency frameworks, manuals and data management system developed.

Output 2.2: National and sub-national academic supervisors trained and mentored to deliver better services to schools.

Output 2.3: School administrators and teachers trained and mentored to provide quality and relevant teaching.

Output 2.4: Policy dialogues on quality and relevancy of learning and social inclusion and equity informed by research, evidence-based lessons learned and best practices.

Results from previous phases:   Given the weaknesses in the national education monitoring and information system, indicators are project-based. A baseline survey is planned for the second quarter of the first project year.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
  • Agha Khan Foundation
  • Foreign private sector South/East

Other partners
Through an international tender procedure, the mandate has been awarded to the consortium of the Aga Khan Foundation, Care International and Save the Children.
Coordination with other projects and actors The project will be implemented with the Ministry of Education (MoE). It will coordinate its activities with other projects in the sector, notably the Basic Education Programme Afghanistan (GIZ), Education Quality Reform Afghanistan (World Bank), Steps towards Afghan Girls Educational Success (DFID), Citizens’ Charter Project (World Bank), Early Grad Reading (USAID), Global Partnership for Education, projects of UNICEF, and Education in Emergencies actors. SDC will continue to advocate in policy dialogue with MoE and other donors for improving the quality of education.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    9’850’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    6’528’828 Total project since first phase Budget inclusive project partner CHF   29’500’000
Project phases

Phase 1 01.03.2019 - 31.03.2023   (Completed)