Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): An enabling tool for international cooperation

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are transforming the way governments, business and individuals learn, work and communicate with each other. If they are employed strategically within development programmes to promote access and sharing of relevant knowledge as well as fostering participation of the poor and marginalised in decision- making processes that affect their lives, ICTs help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

SDC focus

The focus of SDC from 2001 to 2008 was to support international mainstreaming efforts of ICTs in development processes, e.g. through supporting a series of targeted publications, thematic roundtables and particularly through strengthening to the development perspective and the multi-stakeholder process in the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS). In addition to a direct support to the WSIS process and the promotion of the active participation of Civil Society Organisations from the South and the East therein, SDC has directly participated in and supported a whole range of organisations and networks active in the area of ICT4D (see below).

Support for most of these organisations was phased out between 2008 and 2010. The Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) is responsible for Switzerland’s commitments in this area, in collaboration with the ECOSOC Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The SDC is currently focusing on the integration of ICTs in its own projects and programmes (as a strategic instrument).


ICTs encompass a full range of increasingly converging technologies, including traditional and emerging devices such as interactive community radios, television, mobile phones, computer and network hardware and software, the Internet, satellite systems, and podcasting. The effective use of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) is not just a question of infrastructure and software. It also requires an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework and the development of human capacity and relevant content. Holistic and contextualised implementation of ICTs is complex as it depends considerably on the sector or theme in which they are employed as well as the overall socio-economic context (access and affordability of infrastructure, human capacity, cultural habits). Thus ICTs should not be seen as a panacea for all development problems but rather an important tool to be applied as part of a broader strategy for sustainable development.

ICTs can be employed fulfilling three partly overlapping functions:

  • Access: Using ICTs to facilitate access to and sharing of timely and relevant information and knowledge.
  • Voice and Communication: Using ICTs to strengthen the voice of poor, excluded and disadvantaged people in decision-making and self-expression of their culture.
  • Networking: Using ICTs for networking and human communication while fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships to achieve effects on a larger scale (up-scaling).

The transformative potential of ICTs as a tool can be particularly harnessed to

  • increase efficiency: reaching more people while reducing transaction costs.
  • increase effectiveness: in terms of process, ownership, participation, networking and improvement of governance and better delivery of basic services such as education agricultural extension, microfinance and health.
  • improve innovation and productivity: for example for micro, small and medium enterprises through better access to information, credit, markets and procurement using ICT tools in management, marketing and distribution channels.



Connecting people for a better world
Are information and communication technologies (ICT) such as computers, TV or mobile phones effective instruments to empower people, reduce poverty and improve lives? This book offers new answers to these questions.
Publication ICT4D – Connecting people for a better world (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Up-scaling pro-poor ICT-policies and practices
a review of experience with emphasis on low income countries in Asia and Africa
[en] (PDF, 1.9 MB, English)

Building Bridges across Time and Space – Experience and Success of a Telemedicine Pilot Project in Mongolia
Asia Brief - May 2013
[en] (PDF, 4 Pages, 413.9 kB, English)

Information and Communication Technologies and large-scale poverty reduction - SDC/Panos 2005
Lessons from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Edited by Kitty Warnock and Ravi Wickremasinghe in cooperation with John McGill and Gerolf Weigel. Published by Panos London.
[en] (PDF, 799.0 kB, English)

ICTs and Education – Public-Private Partnership to connect Schools to the Net
A National Model in Switzerland - Summary of the Final Report
[en] (PDF, 11 Pages, 1.7 MB, English)

Deepening Participation and Improving Aid Effectiveness through Media and ICTs
A Practical Manual Translating Lessons Learned into Daily Practice – SDC Working Paper
[en] (PDF, 25 Pages, 632.2 kB, English)

Un seul monde
No 4/03 - Société de l'information
[fr] (PDF, 1.5 MB, French)

Chennai Statement - on Up-scaling Pro-Poor ICT Policies
[en] (PDF, 6 Pages, 143.3 kB, English)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Poverty Reduction?
Discussion Paper - World Summit on Information Society WSIS 2003
[en] (PDF, 71 Pages, 759.0 kB, English)

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Poverty Reduction
in Sub Saharan Africa - A learning Study (Synthesis)
[en] (PDF, 454.3 kB, English)

Current projects

Object 1 – 12 of 1156

Reducing risk-factors for Non-Communicable Diseases in Ukraine (Act for Health), phase 2

01.03.2025 - 28.02.2029

Non-communicable diseases represent the most significant health problem in Ukraine and the situation worsened as a result of Russia’s military aggression. This disease burden threatens the country’s resilience, development, its human capital, and the capacity of its healthcare system. The Act for Health project is a flagship Swiss engagement that addresses the chronic disease burden through tailored and innovative approaches at all government levels, thereby supporting Ukraine’s recovery and reform path.

Direct Humanitarian Actions, Reconstruction of WASH Infrastructure (emergency, recovery, sustainable construction)

15.01.2025 - 31.12.2027

In Ukraine, the areas close to the frontline remain severely affected by the war. International support is needed to ensure access to safe water, restore essential infrastructure and maintain basic water supply and sanitation services. The third phase of this Swiss-led programme focuses both on humanitarian emergency WASH response in frontline/border regions while laying the ground to inform comprehensive and innovative reconstruction approaches.

Asset Recovery Strategic Partnerships

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2029

Switzerland supports strategic partners in asset recovery who provide technical assistance to countries, advocate for international standards, and facilitate knowledge and exchange on international efforts and ongoing cases. The partnerships leverage Switzerland’s potential to influence the agenda more effectively, facilitate the integration of international best practices in ongoing restitution negotiations, and help ensure that returned assets benefit the populations of states of origin.

Backstopping support for SDC’s Cluster Green thematic Knowledge Networks A+FS, CDE and RésEAU

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

As a globally active knowledge-based organisation, SDC is critically dependent on effective and efficient knowledge management. SDC’s thematic networks sit at the heart of this endeavour, rendering an essential service across the organisation and its partners by connecting network members, collecting and processing information, and retaining and distributing knowledge. State-of-the art backstopping services are essential to this activity, as is close cooperation between SDC’s thematic networks.

Response to Gender-Based Violence 25-29

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2029

In order to fight increasing gender-based violence (GBV) in humanitarian and conflict contexts, address the root causes in a sustainable way and to contribute to lasting change, Switzerland provides targeted, multi-year funding for GBV prevention and response, and invests in rights-based and survivor-centred projects of three key partners.    

Core Contribution to the Interna-tional Fund for Public Interest Me-dia (IFPIM)

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

Public interest media in low- and middle-income countries face existential threats, impact-ing sustainable development and peace. IFPIM is an organization backing the resilience and independence of public interest media. Through SDC’s contribution to IFPIM, Swit-zerland promotes democracy by combating dis- and misinformation and ensuring media freedom and access to reliable information.

Voluntary Contribution to the Adaptation Fund (AF)

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

The Adaptation Fund (AF) has a proven track record for implementing innovative adaptation projects, including in SDC priority countries. It supports most vulnerable communities to increase their resilience and adaptation capacities in the face of the rapidly rising impacts of climate change including extreme weather events and slow onset processes. It is one of the four climate funds that reports to the Conference of the Parties to the Paris Agreement.

Programme d’appui à la petite irrigation-PAPI

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

Au Niger, dans un contexte de transition politique, la sécurité alimentaire demeure un enjeu majeur. Elle dépend notamment des performances des exploitations familiales qui parviennent difficilement à assurer leur propre alimentation. La Suisse accompagne la petite irrigation pour offrir en particulier aux femmes et aux jeunes des opportunités d’emploi et de revenus agricoles, mais aussi pour moderniser les exploitations familiales et contribuer ainsi à la sécurité alimentaire du pays.

Development Effectiveness Activities and Focal Point Development Effectiveness (DE) 2025-2028

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

In a time when getting more impact with less resources available becomes urgent, development effectiveness is the only way forward. Switzerland has been committed to this Agenda since the process started in 2005. It has acted as co-chair of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) from 2019 to 2022, hosted the 2022 Summit and remains a member of the steering committee. Switzerland will support the Joint Support Team (JST) based at UNDP for preparing and mobilizing countries to participate in the development effectiveness (DE) monitoring to further advance this agenda.

Land and Natural Resources Governance (LNRG) program

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027

Myanmar's  land  and  natural  resources  are  threatened  by  conflicts,  disputes,  environmental degradation,  and  climate  change.  This  program will  strengthen  ethnic  and  community-based systems  for  better  land  and  natural  resources  governance  in  the  South  East  region  through empowered local civil society organisations and accountable ethnic Service Departments. This support builds on past successes, and is implemented by trusted local and international partners.  

Economy and Education Backstopping

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2029

SDC’s thematic section Economy and Education (E+E), including the Competence Centre for Engagement with the Private Sector (CEP), is in charge of knowledge management as well as internal strategic and operational advice in the areas of Private sector development, Vocational skills development, Basic education and for the private sector engagement. The backstopping system of E+E provides specialised external thematic expertise which will improve the planning and implementation of SDC’s projects. 

Rural Small and Medium Enterprises Development in Georgia Phase 2

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028

Rural Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Georgia face significant challenges that hinder their access  to  capital,  technology  adoption  and  entry  into  new  markets.  This  project  leverages Switzerland's expertise in finance and SMEs to address these issues. The aim is to strengthen the resilience and growth of SMEs by improving their access to a wider range of better business support services, ultimately increasing income and employment opportunities for rural women and men. 

Object 1 – 12 of 1156