Publications (279)
Annual Report 2006 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Engagement des collectivités locales suisses dans la coopération internationale: Position et rôle da la DDC

Ce document d’orientation a pour but de clarifier la position de la DDC face à l'engagement des cantons et comunes dans la coopération internationale et de définir les principes et les formes de collaboration possibles entre les collectivités locales et la DDC.
Lucha contra la corrupcion – Estrategia de la COSUDE

Corruption, as a worldwide phenomenon and a development problem, has been on the international agenda for more than a decade. In 1998, SDC issued guidelines stemming from the concern that corruption should be taken into account in its own activities and processes so as to ensure that Swiss funds not be diverted through corrupt channels. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to contribute to preventing corruption as a major obstacle towards development.
Annual Report 2005 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Política de la COSUDE en materia de derechos humanos

Concretizar los derechos de los pobres
Millennium Development Goals – Progress Report of Switzerland 2005

Towards Gender Equality

Capitalization of SDC Experience in Gender Mainstreaming
Annual Report 2004 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
External Evaluation of SDC’s Counter-Trafficking Program in Moldova

Annual Report 2003 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Proceso de Paz: Líneas Directrices de la COSUDE

Policy developments and practical experience shedding light from the standpoint of policy on development, transition, and humanitarian concerns
Annual Report 2002 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.