África del Norte (Túnez, Libia, Marruecos, Egipto, Argelia)

Las convulsiones políticas de 2011 abrieron el camino a un largo e incierto proceso de transición en África del Norte. El compromiso de Suiza tiene por objetivo contribuir a que la región sea más inclusiva, próspera y pacífica. En el marco de la estrategia de Suiza para la cooperación internacional durante el período 2021-24, Túnez y Egipto son los dos países prioritarios de la COSUDE.


África del Norte está formada por países con perfiles muy distintos que, en razón de su importancia geopolítica y su proximidad con Europa, constituyen contrapartes importantes para Suiza. Todos estos países se enfrentan a las mismas dificultades y situaciones de fragilidad: desempleo elevado, sobre todo entre los jóvenes y las mujeres, corrupción, discriminación de género, disparidades regionales y exclusión política, económica y social. La precaria seguridad, el estancamiento de la economía y los fuertes flujos migratorios completan el panorama.

El compromiso de Suiza

Suiza centra su labor en tres prioridades temáticas: la gobernanza y los derechos humanos, el desarrollo económico sostenible e inclusivo, y la migración y la protección. En Egipto y Túnez opera en estos tres ámbitos, mientras que en Libia y Argelia presta ayuda humanitaria. En Libia, trabaja además en aras de la promoción de la paz.

Gobernanza y derechos humanos

Suiza afianza su compromiso para contribuir a una gobernanza participativa, eficaz, transparente y receptiva, a la consolidación del Estado de derecho, y a la promoción y el respeto de los derechos humanos, incluidos los derechos de las mujeres y los migrantes. En Túnez, el nuevo programa aspira a consolidar los procesos de transición democrática, especialmente en lo que respecta a la descentralización. En Egipto, Suiza aborda los principios de buena gobernanza y apoya a la sociedad civil, los medios de comunicación y el mundo académico.

La buena gobernanza

Reducción de la pobreza mediante la prevención de conflictos y desastres

Desarrollo económico sostenible e inclusivo

Suiza centra su labor en las reformas económicas estructurales y en la mejora de las oportunidades económicas para los jóvenes, las mujeres y los hombres. Se trata principalmente de promover unas condiciones marco económicas fiables, iniciativas innovadoras en el sector privado, el acceso a los mercados y los activos, así como oportunidades de generar ingresos dignos para las mujeres y los hombres. Suiza lleva a cabo intervenciones sectoriales con el objetivo de mejorar las infraestructuras básicas y la planificación urbana, el desarrollo del sector privado ofreciendo empleos remunerados, la gestión de las finanzas públicas y la transparencia de las instituciones públicas (complementariedades entre la COSUDE y la SECO).

Migración y protección

La historia de África del Norte se caracteriza por fuertes flujos migratorios: huyendo de las crisis económicas y los conflictos, numerosas personas se desplazan en el interior de sus países, en la región y hacia Europa. Muchos de estos migrantes son víctimas de la violencia y la explotación. Suiza contribuye a la creación de las condiciones marco necesarias en el ámbito de la protección, el respeto del derecho internacional humanitario, la inclusión social de los migrantes, la participación de la diáspora en el desarrollo sostenible, la migración laboral segura y la prevención de la migración irregular.

A nivel regional, se presta especial atención a la protección, la educación básica y la integración de los niños y los jóvenes que se desplazan por dos rutas de migración intra-africana, así como por el corredor de migración laboral entre África del Norte, Oriente Medio y Asia del Sur. A nivel político, Suiza pretende reforzar la cooperación en materia de migración con los Estados de África del Norte.

Enfoque y tipos de contrapartes

La labor de Suiza en África del Norte se lleva a cabo en el marco de un enfoque de colaboración entre diversos departamentos: la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE), la Dirección Política del DFAE, la División Paz y Derechos Humanos (DPDH), la Secretaría de Estado para Asuntos Económicos (SECO) y la Secretaría de Estado de Migración (SEM).

Principales contrapartes de Suiza en África del Norte

  • Las autoridades de los países en cuestión a escala nacional, regional y municipal.
  • Diversas organizaciones de la sociedad civil local e internacional: Danish Refugee Council, Acted, Euromed Rights, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, International Rescue Committee, Première Urgence Internationale y Save the Children.
  • Diversas organizaciones internacionales: el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR), la Oficina de Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios de las Naciones Unidas (OCHA), el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).
  • Diversas ONG, empresas y centros de competencia suizos: EBP, Helvetas, Swisscontact y Terre des Hommes.


Proyectos Egipto

Objeto 1 – 12 de 36

Sudan crisis, NRC Regional Response Plan 2024 – 2025 (Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Egypt, Libya)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Sudan has become one the world worst humanitarian crisis. Nearly 18 months of war have turned it into the fastest growing displacement crisis. By the end of November 2024, an estimated 11.36 million people were internally displaced. In addition, more than 3.2 million people have fled across borders. Major bureaucratic and administrative impediments, financial collapse, market disruptions, and insecurity are hampering aid efforts. NRC plans to assist over 3.1 m conflict-affected people, focusing on those with severe needs and in hard-to-reach areas.

Contributions 2024 to ICRC Country Programs in protracted crises

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

The ICRC is the most important partner of SDC in the humanitarian field. About one third of the SDC Humanitarian Aid budget is allocated to the ICRC. The contribution of CHF 56 million to ICRC country programs reflects Switzerland’s interest to have a strong ICRC throughout the world and to contribute to alleviate the suffering of people affected by conflicts.

Hemayah: Protecting and Empowering Marginalized Communities

01.12.2022 - 30.11.2025

Egypt is a destination country for migrants and forcibly displaced persons facing challenging humanitarian conditions and limited prospects for integration. Switzerland will contribute to the “Hemayah/Protection” project implemented by Terre des Hommes to improve survival, protection, self-reliance, and wellbeing of migrants and forcibly displaced persons from marginalized communities. The project will provide comprehensive services and opportunities for skills development and socioeconomic integration through a sustainable community based approach.

Potable Water Management Programme (PWMP) in Upper Egypt Phase 2

01.05.2022 - 31.12.2025

Egypt has critical needs in better managing water resources and reducing water losses as well as consumption, especially in Upper Egypt (climate change impact, lack of infrastructure, high poverty level). Switzerland provides innovative solutions for improved potable water management and service provision to the vulnerable population. The mixed approach based on strengthening capacities of the water company, improving the infrastructure for potable water provision and on engaging the communities will serve as model for nationwide replication.

Strengthening the capacities of Community-Based Organisations serving migrants in Egypt

01.12.2021 - 28.02.2025

In Egypt, Community Based Organisations (CBOs) are key actors in responding to migrants and forcibly displaced persons’ basic needs especially amid COVID 19 pandemic. Building on lessons learnt from the first phase, CBOs will be further empowered to become more financially sustainable in order to continue providing quality services and advocate for migrants and forcibly displaced persons’ needs and rights in the donor community and with decision makers. 

Vocational Skills Development in Egypt

01.12.2021 - 30.06.2026

Over 1 million young people enter the Egyptian labor market every year. A well governed Technical Vocation Education and Training (TVET) system is needed to ensure that skills match the demand, young people are integrated in the labor market and earn a decent income. Switzerland will co-finance BMZ’s Technical Support for the Comprehensive Technical Education Initiative (TCTI), and contribute to the qualitative development and expansion of dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) by integrating the private sector requests and using a sectoral approach.

Youth For the Future

01.09.2020 - 30.04.2025

Switzerland promotes socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable youth to enable sustainable development in Egypt. The project “Youth for Future” strengthens protection and provides better livelihood opportunities for youth to facilitate their access to employment and promote social cohesion.  Egypt and Switzerland share a common interest to bring new perspectives to vulnerable young Egyptians, refugees and migrants with special focus on young women and in setting a favorable framework to promote inclusive socio-economic integration.

IGGE : Inclusive Green Growth in Egypt

01.09.2019 - 30.06.2025

The main barriers to the competitiveness of the total 2.5 million micro-small-medium enterprises in Egypt are a lack of affordable funding and a mismatch between the needs of the market and the skills available. With its proven expertise in micro-small-medium enterprises Switzerland supports economic growth and more efficient use of resources in Upper Egypt through the model of green economy such as utilizing agricultural waste to create jobs and strengthen livelihoods of communities.

Global program on Textile & Clothing (GTEX) - Phase 2

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

The global program on Textile and Clothing (T&C) phase 2 will support the transformation of the sector, by addressing the shift towards green quality products and by promoting digitization. It will help four MENA countries, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as Sri Lanka to stay on top of emerging market requirements for the T&C sector.

IFC Sustainable Cities, Phase II

01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027

This is the second phase of SECO’s successful partnership with IFC to promote Private Sector Engagement in infrastructure. It incorporates a series of learnings from the previous phase, e.g. extending instruments with the aim to increase mobilization of commercial financing or including public-private partnership (PPP) advisory in all regions.

Sludge Management in Egypt

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027

By piloting new sludge treatment, disposal and reuse practices the project tackles a crucial yet neglected aspect of the Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) and supports a more comprehensive water resources management.

Objeto 1 – 12 de 36

Proyectos Libia

Objeto 1 – 6 de 6

  • 1

Sudan crisis, NRC Regional Response Plan 2024 – 2025 (Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Egypt, Libya)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Sudan has become one the world worst humanitarian crisis. Nearly 18 months of war have turned it into the fastest growing displacement crisis. By the end of November 2024, an estimated 11.36 million people were internally displaced. In addition, more than 3.2 million people have fled across borders. Major bureaucratic and administrative impediments, financial collapse, market disruptions, and insecurity are hampering aid efforts. NRC plans to assist over 3.1 m conflict-affected people, focusing on those with severe needs and in hard-to-reach areas.

Contributions 2024 to ICRC Country Programs in protracted crises

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

The ICRC is the most important partner of SDC in the humanitarian field. About one third of the SDC Humanitarian Aid budget is allocated to the ICRC. The contribution of CHF 56 million to ICRC country programs reflects Switzerland’s interest to have a strong ICRC throughout the world and to contribute to alleviate the suffering of people affected by conflicts.

North Africa Cultural Program (NACP)

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

By developing a Regional Cultural Program, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in the region, hence providing alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

UNICEF: Support Vulnerable Children in Libya through Child-Sensitive Social Protection, Education and Protection Services

01.07.2023 - 30.09.2025

The initiative aims to improve the protection and respect of the rights of vulnerable and at risk children and youth and their resilience through fostered 1) access to integrated protection services, comprising education in Eastern Libya, and 2) efforts to strengthen the social protection system for children at national and subnational levels through policy support, capacity strengthening and leveraging public resources and evidence. 

Remotecoders: IT talents from the MENA Region

01.01.2022 - 31.01.2025

Remotecoders offers a solution to the geographic mismatch between ICT talents in North Africa and ICT jobs in Europe. Local vulnerable youth, women, refugees and migrants in North African countries are recruited, trained and connected to remote ICT work opportunities in Europe and local jobs. With this contribution, SDC is addressing the challenges of job creation, digitalization, migration and protection of vulnerable groups by testing an innovative partnership (Private Sector Engagement).

Objeto 1 – 6 de 6

  • 1

Proyectos Marruecos

Objeto 1 – 12 de 21

North Africa Cultural Program (NACP)

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

By developing a Regional Cultural Program, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in the region, hence providing alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

Morocco IFRC Emergency Appeal Earthquake 2023

12.09.2023 - 31.12.2025

An earthquake with a 6.8 magnitude shook Morocco on 8 September. This earthquake was the deadliest in Morocco since 2004. At least 3’000 people were killed, mostly in Marrakech and the provinces in the High Atlas Mountains, while another 5’600 were injured. The SDC will support the victims of the earthquake with a contribution to the IFRC Appeal. 

Remotecoders: IT talents from the MENA Region

01.01.2022 - 31.01.2025

Remotecoders offers a solution to the geographic mismatch between ICT talents in North Africa and ICT jobs in Europe. Local vulnerable youth, women, refugees and migrants in North African countries are recruited, trained and connected to remote ICT work opportunities in Europe and local jobs. With this contribution, SDC is addressing the challenges of job creation, digitalization, migration and protection of vulnerable groups by testing an innovative partnership (Private Sector Engagement).

Results-based financing for employment in North Africa

15.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

The project aims to improve access to employment for people in Tunisia and Morocco. It will do so by encouraging a systems-change towards a results-based financing approach by releasing payments only for achieved results and by providing technical assistance to public and private employment institutions.

Global program on Textile & Clothing (GTEX) - Phase 2

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

The global program on Textile and Clothing (T&C) phase 2 will support the transformation of the sector, by addressing the shift towards green quality products and by promoting digitization. It will help four MENA countries, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as Sri Lanka to stay on top of emerging market requirements for the T&C sector.

IFC Sustainable Cities, Phase II

01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027

This is the second phase of SECO’s successful partnership with IFC to promote Private Sector Engagement in infrastructure. It incorporates a series of learnings from the previous phase, e.g. extending instruments with the aim to increase mobilization of commercial financing or including public-private partnership (PPP) advisory in all regions.

Small Business Impact Fund, Phase II

01.12.2022 - 30.11.2027

The Small Business Impact Fund (SBIF) is a multi-donor initiative of the EBRD to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SECO’s contribution to the SBIF aims to strengthen competitiveness and resilience of SMEs in Central Asia, Western Balkans, North Africa and South Caucasus by providing business advice, skills development and financing.

Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance, Phase III

01.05.2022 - 30.04.2027

SECO is partnering with the World Bank to implement the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI) Program. The Program supports SECO priority countries in building their financial resilience to natural disasters and other crisis, including pandemics.

Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) 2022-2027

01.01.2022 - 30.06.2027

The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility is a World-Bank managed, multi-donor technical assistance facility aimed at creating an enabling environment for private sector investment in infrastructure, with the ultimate aim of improving lives through a better access to quality infrastructure services.

Multi-Country Investment Climate Program (MCICP), Phase II

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2026

The Multi-Country Investment Climate Program (MCICP) supports reform projects in partner countries that foster open, productive and competitive markets and unlock sustainable private investments in sectors that contribute substantially to growth, job creation and poverty reduction.

Objeto 1 – 12 de 21

Proyectos Túnez

Objeto 1 – 12 de 42

Une vie - Appui au Programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies en Tunisie

29.11.2023 - 31.12.2026

Le projet renforce le volontariat des jeunes tunisiens et leur participation active à la vie publique, suivant une approche inclusive. Il se fixe comme objectif de permettre aux plus exclus d’entre eux de s’ouvrir au monde des Nations Unies, de s’introduire à la vie professionnelle, d’être intégrés dans la sphère du développement et de réaliser leur plein potentiel. Il est mis en œuvre par le Programme des Volontaires des Nations Unies - Maghreb.

North Africa Cultural Program (NACP)

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

By developing a Regional Cultural Program, Switzerland seeks to facilitate intercultural dialogue and exchange as a foundation for peace and conflict sensitive development in North Africa and to foster artistic expression as a driver of change in support to the challenges of transition. This will promote peaceful coexistence, political stability and social cohesion in the region, hence providing alternatives for the fulfillment of North African youth in their own societies.

Participation Active des Citoyennes et Citoyens Tunisien(ne)s – PACT II

01.04.2023 - 31.03.2027

L’intervention soutient, dans la région marginalisée des Hautes Steppes, un ensemble de dynamiques de développement communautaires initiées par les autorités décentralisées et déconcentrées et appuyées par une participation active de la communauté pour améliorer les conditions de vie des citoyen.ne.s et réduire les vulnérabilités. La DDC apportera sa valeur ajoutée à travers son expérience en gouvernance locale démocratique et en développement local inclusif.


01.04.2023 - 30.09.2026

Les centres villes anciens (Médinas) ont leurs spécificités aux niveaux architectural, économique, culturel et social. Source de richesse historique, ils sont aussi des lieux de discrimination à l’égard des femmes. Ce projet, mis en oeuvre par Cities Alliance, s’inscrit dans la continuité d’une 1ère phase du projet mené dans la Médina de Tunis. Il cible 4 autres Médinas et vise à renforcer les capacités des communes en matière de planification et de mise en oeuvre des projets des Médinas en intégrant la dimension genre et en adoptant des approches plus participatives.

Appui à la Fédération Nationale des Communes Tunisiennes et mise en place du Fonds Municipal de Compétence Générale

01.11.2022 - 30.06.2027

Le projet vise à appuyer le processus de décentralisation en Tunisie en renforçant le rôle de la Fédération Nationale des Communes Tunisiennes (FNCT) en tant qu’acteur de soutien aux communes et de plaidoyer politique pour la décentralisation. Dans le cadre de ce projet, la FNCT va appuyer techniquement et financièrement 17 communes pilotes dans la mise en œuvre de leurs plans de développement locaux. Il s’agit d’une contribution à un projet financé par l’Union Européenne. 

Appui à l’opérationnalisation de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes en Tunisie

30.06.2022 - 30.06.2025

Le projet propose d’appuyer le ministère de la Femme tunisien (MF) dans l’opérationnalisation de la « stratégie nationale de lutte contre les violences à l’encontre des femmes (SLVF) » par la mise en place d’une coordination institutionnalisée entre acteurs publics et la société civile et l’amélioration du mécanisme d’orientation et prise en charge des victimes. Des activités de réflexions, de concertation, de renforcement de capacités, d’étude, de communication, de benchmark, de plaidoyer et de sensibilisation seront mises en oeuvre par Euromed Rights.

Remotecoders: IT talents from the MENA Region

01.01.2022 - 31.01.2025

Remotecoders offers a solution to the geographic mismatch between ICT talents in North Africa and ICT jobs in Europe. Local vulnerable youth, women, refugees and migrants in North African countries are recruited, trained and connected to remote ICT work opportunities in Europe and local jobs. With this contribution, SDC is addressing the challenges of job creation, digitalization, migration and protection of vulnerable groups by testing an innovative partnership (Private Sector Engagement).

BIOREST - Appui au développement d’une agriculture biologique durable et résiliente dans un contexte de changement climatique en Tunisie

01.11.2021 - 31.10.2025

A travers cette l’intervention, la Suisse consolide les efforts du gouvernement tunisien pour la résilience au changement climatique en accompagnant le développement des systèmes d’agriculture biologiques appliquant les principes de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat. L’appui portera sur les axes de la production végétale et animale, l’encadrement des acteurs et le système de contrôle de l’agriculture biologique. L’approche territoriale adoptée consolide la résilience alimentaire et environnementale des régions ciblées et de la Tunisie.

IPDLI - Initiative Pilote de Développement Local Intégré

01.11.2021 - 31.10.2025

Mise en œuvre par l’Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT), l’intervention contribue à l’amélioration la qualité de vie des populations de 14 communes des régions défavorisées à travers un accompagnement au processus de décentralisation dans son axe transfert des compétences du pouvoir central vers le pouvoir local. Les communes seront appuyées dans leurs rôles d’acteur développement et de fournisseur de services de base dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation.

RESPECT - Redevabilité, sécurité et prévention de l’extrémisme violent pour les citoyennes et citoyens tunisiens

01.10.2021 - 31.08.2025

L’intervention vise à renforcer la capacité de la Commission Nationale de la Lutte contre le Terrorisme (CNLCT) dans la prévention de l’extrémisme violent (PEV) en améliorant la coordination entre les acteurs clés des secteurs de la sécurité et de la justice. L’approche choisie est holistique combinant des activités qui ont pour objectifs de renforcer la cohésion sociale en ciblant les groupes à risque. Un autre aspect de l’intervention consiste à soutenir la réforme du secteur de la sécurité afin que celui-ci soit conforme avec les standards internationaux régissant les droits humains.

Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture (OMCT)

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025

L’intervention a pour objectifs de renforcer la responsabilisation des acteurs publics pour les violations des droits humains et de contribuer à la réforme de l’environnement institutionnel pour prévenir la torture et réduire l’impunité en Tunisie. Elle offre une assistance directe aux victimes et promeut une meilleure conduite professionnelle des forces sécuritaires et carcérales. L’OMCT travaille aussi en lien étroit avec la société civile pour mener des plaidoyers communs contre la torture et l’impunité des responsables.

TAKWEEN - Formation professionnelle en Tunisie

01.10.2020 - 31.10.2026

La Suisse se distingue depuis 2013 par l'impulsion des modèles innovants de formation à dominance pratique, assurant un taux d‘insertion professionnelle à hauteur de 70%. L’intervention marque la volonté de la Suisse à poursuivre son effort en faveur de la modernisation de la FP en Tunisie, par une implication accrue du secteur privé et par le positionnement de la formation professionnelle post-diplôme comme un élément attractif du système de formation institutionnalisé qui vient cibler une plus large palette de bénéficiaires. 

Objeto 1 – 12 de 42