Colombia: ACH-E; Schools and communities for peace - recovery of the social, productive and economic conditions of 14 communities affected by armed violence in the departments of Putumayo, Cordoba and Nariño

Proyecto terminado

SDC will support ACH-E in finding lasting solutions to peace and the recovery of population affected by the armed conflict/violence in the departments of Putumayo, Cordoba and Nariño. The focus of the 5th phase will be on improve authorities capacities to address early recovery needs and guarantee the delivery of basic services, while bridges between the state institutions and the communities will be strengthened.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Saneamiento de agua
Abastecimiento de agua
Nutrición de base
01.04.2017 - 31.08.2020
CHF  2’750’000
Contexto The prioritized departments (Putumayo, Córdoba and Nariño) were highly affected by the armed conflict and currently remain in a vulnerability situation not only for the humanitarian gaps and the unsatisfied necessities of the population, but for the presence of post-demobilized armed groups and new groups of organized crime. The socioeconomic opportunities, especially for the rural population and State presence in isolated areas are unlikely to improve rapidly (75% of the population in the municipalities live with unsatisfied basic needs), with armed violence being fuelled by illegal economies (i.e. illegal crops, drug trafficking, illegal mining). Local institutions will need to resolve structural issues in peripheral regions, such as the weak presence of State institutions and underdevelopment. With only gradual improvements in socio-economic conditions, social tensions and conflicts in the regions are likely to increase.
Objetivos Contribute to the social, productive and environmental strengthening of 26.677 vulnerable people affected by conflict/armed violence in 14 municipalities of the departments of Putumayo, Córdoba and Nariño.
Grupos destinarios

Directly 26.677 rural poor and conflict-affected persons of 14 municipalities (4 in Cordoba, 5 in Nariño and 5 in Putumayo) belonging to 3 departments, whereas 48% are female and 52% male affected particularly by confinement, situations of displacement and extreme poverty.

Additionally, the project will benefit indirectly to 9.000 people living in surrounding communities. 

The municipalities are:

Putumayo (Valle del Guamuez, San Miguel, Puerto Asís, Puerto Guzmán and Leguizamo)

Córdoba (Puerto Libertador, Ayapel, Montelíbano, Tierralta and/or Valencia)  Nariño (Samaniego, Santacruz de Guachavés, La Llanada, Linares and Tumaco)

Efectos a medio plazo
  1. Communities of 14 municipalities of Putumayo, Nariño and Córdoba have improved their access to safe water, basic sanitation and community water management processes (10.000 people approximately).
  2. Communities of 14 municipalities of Putumayo, Nariño and Córdoba have improved their food security and livelihoods (5.200 people approximately).
  3. Communities of 14 municipalities and 8 schools in the departments of Putumayo, Córdoba and Nariño have implemented strategies for environmental management and community participation (17.000 people approximately).

Resultados previstos:  

  1. Access to safe water, basic sanitation and community water management processes: at least 10.000 beneficiaries have improved their access to safe water and basic sanitation through communal or private water supplies, installation of water tank and filters, collective sanitation facilities (in schools) and the necessary training for sustained operations of the water and sanitation systems.
  2. Food security and livelihoods: at least 5.200 beneficiaries have improved their food security and recovered their livelihoods through the development of school and family backyards, and have improved their productive capacity through the establishment of value chains.
  3. Environmental management and community participation: at least 17.000 people have improved their advocacy and incidence capacities and have developed environmental management plans.
  4. Institutional strengthening: local authorities have strengthened their capacities to deliver basic services in conflict affected areas and to develop sustainable livelihoods initiatives aligned to the implementation of the peace agreement.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

During the last phase, more than 35’000 direct beneficiaries were attended with integral solutions to their necessities in safe water, sanitation, food security and livelihoods recovery.

With the intervention, the health status of 92% (at least 32’000 people) of the prioritized population was improved in municipalities of Putumayo, Nariño and Córdoba, with a reduction of waterborne diseases prevalence by 41.3%.

At least 3’500 people improved their food security conditions, through the installation of familiar and collective crops.

50 income generation processes were developed with the participation of 200 people.

Three local organizations of Putumayo, Nariño and Córdoba strengthened their capacities (knowledge and physical resources) to conduct peacebuilding and recovery of livelihoods processes with vulnerable population.

ACH-E developed advocacy actions in order to improve the relation between local governmental institutions and affected communities. At least 3 local administrations supported with resources the actions developed.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Crédito Ayuda humanitaria
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera
  • Acción contra el Hambre

Otras contrapartes
  • UN System (OCHA field offices) – Humanitarian Coordination Teams
  • Donors: ECHO, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores

Community Based Organizations (Juntas de Acción Comunal)

Community ethnic councils (indigenous)

Institutional Partners:

  • National institutions: Unit for Assistance and Reparation of the Victims (UARIV), National Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF)
  • Schools
  • Municipal administrations
  • Ombudsman field offices
Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    2’750’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    2’718’228 Presupuesto de la organización CHF    6’671’776
Fases del proyecto Fase 5 01.04.2017 - 31.08.2020   (Completed) Fase 4 01.07.2014 - 31.01.2017   (Completed) Fase 3 01.01.2012 - 28.02.2014   (Completed)