Publications (20)
La cooperación internacional de Suiza – Informe anual 2017
From vocational education and training to sustainable tourism to the use of satellite-based measuring instruments to calculate the extent of crop losses: Swiss international cooperation was also effective in 2017. The SDC and SECO annual report, which is now published only in electronic format, provides detailed information.
Annual Report 2016 SDC / SECO - Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report, published jointly by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), examines the results of Switzerland's international cooperation in 2016. Switzerland strengthened its engagement in fragile and conflict-affected regions and worked to develop sustainable solutions in partner countries.
Annual Report 2015 SDC / SECO - Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report shows in five sections how in 2015 the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) opened up new prospects for the populations of their partner countries. In addition, the SDC provided emergency aid on the ground to the victims of armed conflicts and to forcibly displaced people.
Annual Report Statistics 2015 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The 'Statistics 2015' booklet of the Annual Report consists of two parts, one presenting key figures on official development assistance (ODA) and the other the annual expenditures of the SDC and of the SECO. The booklet contains tables and graphs providing readers with a detailed overview of Switzerland's international cooperation activities.
Annual Report 2013 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks. For the first time in 2013 the areas of humanitarian aid, technical and financial cooperation, economic and trade policy measures, and cooperation with Eastern Europe followed a uniform strategy. The current annual report focuses particularly on Switzerland's commitment to reducing global risks but also includes other priorities of the SDC and SECO's work, such as fragile contexts, education, the environment, job creation, and the promotion of good governance and democracy.
Annual Report 2012 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2011 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2010 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report Statistics 2009 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
Annual Report 2009 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.
Annual Report 2008 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation
The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.