Integral Development of Urban Water and Sanitation Utilities Colombia, Phase I

Projet terminé

Urban water and sanitation utilities in Colombia face problems regarding service quality and financial sustainability. The Program will support 10 utilities in assessing their performance through a standardized tool, and on this basis, formulate and implement measures to improve their performance and reach a better service quality.

Pays/région Période Budget
01.11.2016 - 31.03.2024
CHF  15’156’111

Although coverage is high and Colombian urban utilities offer water and sanitation for a large part of its population, they face serious problems regarding service quality and financial sustainability. For example, the non-revenue water is estimated at 43% and the service is in many cases not continuous. Most utilities consequently don't have the means to properly maintain and rehabilitate their systems. A large number of utilities are confronted with a considerable debt burden and in some of the major cities, the water infrastructure is at its capacity limit. Colombian utilities therefore need to improve their capacity to become sustainable.


The overall objective of the Program is to support 10 urban water and sanitation utilities in Colombia in terms of service quality and financial sustainability and thereby also to improve the living conditions of the urban population in an equitable and inclusive manner. This shall be achieved through the implementation of AquaRating as an assessment tool and the identification and implementation of short and medium-term Corporate Development actions that promote operational and financial sustainability. Additional activities are related to policy dialogue and support to water sector institutions to promote needed reforms in the regulatory framework for urban utilities.

Effets à moyen terme

The 10 selected water and sanitation utilities improve their overall performance in terms of corporate governance, organization, management, tariff and financial structure, planning and budgeting, among others.

The Aquarating tool becomes the reference to evaluate water and sanitation utilities performance and a key input for strategic plans in Colombia.

Strenghtened sector entities (Ministry of Housing, National Planning Department and The Water Regulation Commision) implement sector strategic reforms.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

Utilities have executed their initial Aquarating self-assesment.

Utilities have developed their Strategic and Investments Plans.

Utilities have presented their Technical Proposals for approval.

Utilities have implemented their Technical Proposals, including the systemization and disseminitation of good business practices.

Utilities have implemented their final Aquarating self-assesment and the results are certified.

Program results are socialized

Sector entities count with information to discuss policy reforms needed for improving the performance of the urban utilities

Water sector entity relations are institutionalized

Direction/office fédéral responsable SECO
Crédit Coopération au développement
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    15’156’111 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF    15’437’500
Phases du projet

Phase 1 01.11.2016 - 31.03.2024   (Completed)