System Strengthening Partnership Programme of the Ministry of Education Jordan and through UNESCO

In Jordan, the access to inclusive, protective quality education for vulnerable young people is impacted by natural and human-made hazards, including the protracted Syria crisis and climate change. Switzerland’s contribution to UNESCO for the System Strengthening Partnership Programme of the Ministry of Education enhances governance for evidence-based and crisis-sensitive education planning and delivery, as per Jordan’s Education Strategic Plan 2018-2025.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Politica dell'istruzione
Teacher training
01.07.2023 - 31.12.2026
CHF  2’425’000
Contesto In Jordan, structural fragility, the COVID-19 pandemic with its economic impact, climate change and multiple refugee crises are affecting the education sector. From the onset of the Syrian crisis, refugee children have been able to access Jordanian public schools, and many will continue with vocational education. Despite this inclusion policy, 40% of Syrian refugees aged 12-15 are out of school, compared to 4% Jordanians. The Ministry of Education (MoE) is committed to implementing its first Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2018-2025 that provides a roadmap towards a more crisis-resilient education system through coordinated action around critical reforms. Switzerland supports the education sector in Jordan aligned to its Cooperation Programme Middle East 2019-2024 with coherent interventions in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, to respond to humanitarian needs and to address root causes of fragility.
Obiettivi The overall programme goal of the System Strengthening Partnership Programme is to ensuring access to inclusive and protective quality learning for vulnerable children and youth, through evidence based and crisis-sensitive education planning and delivery.
Gruppi target

Two main target group levels are identified:

Direct participants: Government of Jordan’s Ministry of Education at all administrative levels (schools, education field directorates, central ministry). 

Ultimate indirect participants: Vulnerable children and youth from Jordanian, refugee and migrant communities.

Effetti a medio termine

Outcome 1: Improved availability of high quality data analysis for decision-making, policy formulation and leveraging of internal and external financing for education delivery

Outcome 2: Strengthened capacity for data usage for evidence-based decision making and policy formulation on education delivery

Outcome 3: Improved crisis-sensitive education data management at central ministry, field directorate and school levels 


Risultati principali attesi:  

1.2. Technical assistance provided to the MoE through System Strengthening Partnership Programme (SSPP) to strengthen the enabling environment for informed decision-making is properly monitored

1.3 Technical assistance provided to MoE to conduct periodic reviews of standard information products and to provide recommendations for quality improvement in line with the international best practice.

2.1 Technical assistance provided to MoE to improve Data Analysis, Education Statistics and Reporting

2.5 Technical support provided to MoE to strengthen gender equality & equity through gender mainstreaming into all MoE activities

3.1 MoE Crisis-sensitive planning strengthened and mainstreamed in policy development, strategic planning and data & information management 

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

The insights and results are based on Switzerland’s previous contribution:

  • Mobilised support around a common agenda for all education stakeholders in Jordan along the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
  • Built foundations for responsive, resilient and adaptable education in Jordan
  • Established a solid partnership and coordination structure led by the MoE for policy dialogue
  • Built foundations for enhanced governance and successful implementation of the ESP and the Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Education
  • Strengthened the enabling environment of the Education Management Information System (EMIS). UNHCR and UNRWA data on refugee aligned and integrated into EMIS, reflecting all learners in Jordan, regardless of status or nationality, and providing disaggregated data for informed policy decisions and implementation of targeted interventions towards vulnerable groups including ensuring data privacy.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU)
  • SDC Field Office
  • Commissione svizzera per l’UNESCO
  • UNESCO Jordan Office

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori The System Strengthening Partnership Programme is currently the only multi-donor vehicle to support systemic change in the Jordanian education sector. It complements Switzerland’s humanitarian engagement in basic education at school level in refugee camps and host communities, and to several engagements in vocational skills development (SDC South cooperation and SECO). It contributes to synergies with SDC’s protection portfolio and to the Swiss Embassy’s policy dialogue with education authorities and advocacy among donors.
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    2’425’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    2’325’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 2 01.07.2023 - 31.12.2026   (Fase in corso)