News overview European topics of the FDFA
Press releases
Here you will find media information on matters concerning European policy. Press releases and other information for the media from the various federal departments and offices can be accessed via the Federal Administration’s media portal.
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Personenfreizügigkeit: Hohe Zuwanderung bei wachsender Beschäftigung
Press releases
Vor dem Hintergrund robusten Beschäftigungswachstums und tiefer Arbeitslosigkeit war die Nachfrage nach ausländischen Arbeitskräften im Jahr 2023 hoch. Die Zuwanderung ist dabei auch Folge der demografischen Entwicklung und einer bereits guten Ausschöpfung der Arbeitskräftepotenziale im Inland. Dies zeigt der 20. Bericht des Observatoriums zum Freizügigkeitsabkommen in einer internationalen Einordnung der Arbeitsmigration in die Schweiz.
Federal Council adopts dispatch on amendment of double taxation agreement with Germany
Press releases
During its meeting on 14 June 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the protocol of amendment to the double taxation agreement (DTA) with Germany. The protocol adapts the DTA to various changes in the needs of the contracting states and implements the minimum standards from the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project with regard to DTAs.
Swiss president meets Portugal’s president and prime minister
Press releases
President Viola Amherd met Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Prime Minister Luís Montenegro on Wednesday, 12 June. The talks in Bern focused on the countries’ close bilateral relations, European policy, the upcoming summit on peace in Ukraine and cooperation between Switzerland and Portugal at multilateral level.
Flankierende Massnahmen und Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfung: Kontrollziele im Jahr 2023 erfüllt
Press releases
Die Vollzugsorgane haben im Rahmen der flankierenden Massnahmen (FlaM) und des Bundesgesetzes gegen die Schwarzarbeit (BGSA) ihre Kontrollen im Jahr 2023 ohne pandemiebedingte Einschränkungen und mit vollem Ressourceneinsatz durchgeführt. Das FlaM-Mindestkontrollziel wurde erneut erreicht. Ein Rückblick zeigt, wie sich das FlaM-Schutzdispositiv in den letzten zwanzig Jahren stetig weiterentwickelt und neuen Gegebenheiten angepasst hat.
Cooperation on military training: Slovenia and Switzerland sign agreement
Press releases
The head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports, President Viola Amherd, and Slovenian Defence Minister Marjan Šarec signed an agreement in Bern on 10 June to strengthen cooperation on military training. The talks also focused on the current security situation in the Middle East, Ukraine and the Western Balkans.
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis to attend third Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin
Press releases
Switzerland has been supporting the recovery and reconstruction process in Ukraine since the start of the war. In line with this commitment, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will attend the third Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC) in Berlin on 11 and 12 June 2024, following on from the URCs in Lugano (2022) and London (2023). The Berlin conference will focus, among other things, on private sector involvement, social aspects and the promotion of local and regional development.
Small rise in Schengen visa fees
Press releases
From 11 June 2024, there will be a small rise in the fee charged for a short-stay visa in all Schengen states. This is a result of a change to the Visa Code, which Switzerland has adopted as a member of the Schengen area. The Federal Council approved the rise in visa fees at its meeting on 7 June.
Switzerland and Italy sign permanent tax rules for home working
Press releases
Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and Italy's Minister of Economy and Finance, Giancarlo Giorgetti, signed an amending protocol to the existing cross-border commuter agreement. The protocol regulates the taxation of home working for cross-border commuters for the long term.
Swiss scientists to retain access to one of world’s most powerful neutron sources
Press releases
On 6 June, State Secretary Martina Hirayama signed an agreement on behalf of the Federal Council to renew Switzerland's participation in the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble (France) from 2024. This will consolidate Switzerland's position in a key sector of the European Research Area: Swiss scientists will continue to be able to use a unique neutron source and over 40 experimental stations for their work.
Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter to meet German Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner, in Berlin
Press releases
On 5 June 2024, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter will meet the German Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner, in Berlin. The exchange will focus on the state of public finances and the debt brake, as well as international financial market stability and the minimum taxation of multinational enterprises.
Schweiz – EU: Diskussionen zu den Schutzmassnahmen der EU auf Stahleinfuhren
Press releases
Am 4. Juni 2024 hat auf Antrag der Schweiz ein ausserordentliches Treffen des Gemischten Ausschusses des Freihandelsabkommens zwischen der Schweiz und der EU stattgefunden. Diskutiert wurden die geplante Verlängerung und die vorgesehenen Anpassungen an den Schutzmassnahmen der EU auf Stahleinfuhren sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die Schweiz.
Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter meets Hungary's Minister for Finance, Varga Mihály, in Budapest
Press releases
Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter met Hungary's Minister for Finance, Varga Mihály, in Budapest on 27 May 2024. They discussed current financial and tax issues in the run-up to Hungary's presidency of the Council of the European Union.