
The focus of Switzerland's 2023–26 cooperation programme with Chad is on strengthening responsible and representative institutions, and promoting high-quality basic services in health and education. Other work involves promoting the development of sustainable markets and improving food security, and strengthening the resilience of the population to climate change. 

Map of Chad

Chad is a priority country for Switzerland's bilateral development cooperation. The country has had one of the lowest Human Development Index scores for many years. State institutions including administration, education and health are poorly developed. Regional and global challenges, such as armed extremist groups, refugee flows, especially from Sudan (Darfur conflict since 2003, fighting in 2023), and the growing impact of climate change, further hinder the country's development. The death of long-standing ruler Idriss Déby Itno in 2021 ushered in a period of change that has yet to bear fruit.

One focus of the 2023–26 cooperation programme is on supporting the political transition.. Furthermore, Switzerland will continue to support Chad in developing climate-resilient economic systems and practices. Another key aspect is the expansion of high-quality basic services such as education, health and access to water. 

State institutions and civil society

Switzerland's cooperation programme supports the implementation of the reforms to be achieved through the political transition.

By involving key actors (women, youth, media, defence and security forces), Switzerland contributes to preventing violence, reducing tensions and conflicts and strengthening the capacities of the state.

The programme supports the establishment of institutions that are to play their role in the new system of government after the transition and implement the processes and reforms that have been initiated. Switzerland contributes to strengthening the capacities of elected representatives, public services and citizens at the local level, with the aim of giving the people's representatives more opportunities to respond to the needs of the population. In turn, citizens gain better access to reliable information and participate in public debate and decision-making processes, and women actively participate in conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms.

Good governance

Qualitative services

Through policy dialogue, institution building and learning from local experiences, Switzerland contributes to strengthening the capacity of systems strained by demographic challenges to organise and deliver basic social governmental and non-governmental services.

In the education sector, the aim is to raise the quality of basic education for girls and boys. This entails implementing the reform agenda, seeking better coordination between sector actors, training teachers, promoting innovation in teaching methods, and facilitating access to basic education for vulnerable groups through adapted arrangements for teaching and learning.

Through its support, Switzerland promotes the accountability of public health services at all levels and helps to improve knowledge about water resources, in order to foster better planning and use.

Health – a prerequisite for development

Basic education and vocational skills development


Developing sustainable markets and improving food security

Switzerland supports the agricultural and livestock sectors and the development of appropriate inclusive market systems. This will improve the population's adaptive capacity with regard to climate change, provide access to extension and advisory services, increase production and create economic opportunities and decent jobs, especially for women and young people.

The programme helps to open up opportunities for vulnerable population groups to generate additional income and improve their living conditions. It offers measures for better management and use of water and soil, increased soil fertility and better access to productive resources. In addition, it encourages the development of employment opportunities by improving vocational training and adapting it to the needs of the market and the expectations of young people.

In the event of a food crisis, the programme will contribute to food and nutritional assistance for vulnerable households.

Agriculture and food security

Cross-cutting themes

Equality and governance 

Switzerland works to achieve gender equality, paying particular attention to boosting women's participation in the public sphere and political leadership. From an economic perspective, there is a focus on the promotion of female entrepreneurs and improving the integration of women within selected value chains. Special attention continues to be paid to girls' education and retention in the school system.

In an uncertain political environment and in the face of weakening social cohesion, Switzerland's support for increased accountability of public authorities and inclusive participation of civil society in public policy remains key. This support is provided at local and national level, but also at regional level in the regions where Swiss development cooperation programmes are implemented.

Gender equality

Climate change and the environment

Approach and partners

Switzerland's activities in Chad are carried out through the instruments of development cooperation, humanitarian aid and peacebuilding. Switzerland's 2023–26 cooperation programme provides the basis for more in-depth support for the transition process under way in Chad. Going forward, cooperation with UN organisations in particular will be strengthened and the partner base broadened. Furthermore, cooperation with the still largely undeveloped private sector is of great importance to achieve sustainable development results. 

Current Projects

Object 1 – 12 of 20

Production des Connaissances et Appui Institutionnel pour une gestion intégrée des Ressources en Eau au Tchad - ResEau

01.06.2024 - 31.05.2028

Le Tchad subit fortement les effets du changement climatique avec des pluviométries aléatoires. Le sous-sol du Tchad dispose d’un important potentiel en eau. Faute de compétences nationales, ces ressources en eau restent très peu mobilisées. La DDC renforce, à travers ce projet, les compétences et les connaissances nationales pour favoriser une gestion durable de ces ressources et contribue ainsi à la résilience du Tchad face aux changements climatiques.

Direct action Chad WASH Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

01.04.2024 - 31.12.2024

Chad hosts over 565’000 refugees from the recent crisis in Sudan, adding to the 595’000 refugees already residing in the country. Acces to safe drinking water is one of the biggest challenges for the Humanitarian actors. SDC provides material to Médécins sans frontiers. for analysing potential water sources and distributing the drinking water obtained. Two SHA experts will introduce the material during a short mission to Chad.

Additional Allocation of SDC Funding (Sub-Saharan Africa Division) in 2024 to ICRC Operations in Sudan

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

SDC funding to ICRC operations allows the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to respond proactively and to provide immediate protection and assistance for people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. In line with the Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) principles, Switzerland recognizes the necessity of predictable and flexible funding to respond to changing needs in humanitarian crises.

2024 Additional allocation to WFP Country Strategic Plans (NHF)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

The war in Sudan entered its second year. Sudan is facing a major humanitarian catastrophe. The conflict also affected neighbouring countries, in particular Chad and South Sudan who are already struggling with a dire humanitarian situation that pre-existed before the conflict broke out. The consequences of the war exacerbated the acute food insecurity situation in those countries. With additional funding, SDC reinforces WFP’s emergency response to deliver life-saving food and nutrition assistance in Sudan, Chad and South Sudan.

Tchad-IOM, Contr. (SUD) 2023

04.12.2023 - 15.06.2024

This contribution aims at supporting IOM’s response to the needs of Chadian returnees having fled Sudan. IOM’s emergency response supports the returnees’ households through a nexus approach, which combines emergency humanitarian assistance (shelter, NFIs, etc,) and livelihood support to reduce their dependency on humanitarian assistance, therefore contributing to local and more sustainable development.

Tchad - PADS, Appui aux districts sanitaires

01.04.2023 - 31.03.2027

Au Tchad, la faiblesse de la gouvernance du système de santé est une des causes de la situation sanitaire caractérisée par des indicateurs les plus faibles de l’Afrique subsaharienne. L’appui de la Suisse va contribuer à améliorer la qualité des prestations et l’offre des soins de santé dans les districts sanitaires des provinces du Batha et du Moyen Chari ainsi qu’au déploiement de la couverture santé universelle dans certaines provinces.

Contribution to UNHCR Programme Budget 2023-2024 (earmarked)

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

UNHCR is one of Switzerland’s key multilateral partners due to its unique mandate by the General Assembly of United Nations to provide protection and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, refugee returnees, and stateless persons. The strategic direction 2022-26 concretise the overall mandate of UNHCR for the upcoming years. Contributing to these directions allows Switzerland to achieve in particular the human development goal defined in the Dispatch to Parliament on International Cooperation for 2021-24.

Promotion de la qualité de l'éducation de base au Tchad, ProQEB

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025

La qualité de l’éducation de base demeure un enjeu crucial au Tchad. Le ProQEB, promoteur d’innovations pédagogiques a apporté une valeur ajoutée à la pertinence et à l’efficacité du système éducatif dans les quatre provinces d’intervention pendant les 3 phases précédentes. La Suisse finance une 4ème phase du projet visant la consolidation et l’institutionnalisation des acquis de ces phases contribuant ainsi au renforcement de son ancrage en favorisant l’inclusion des groupes marginalisés.

Tchad-UNICEF, (SUD) 2023

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

The proposed contribution aims at responding to the mounting needs by supporting two health centres in Wadi Fira and Sila provinces and reinforcing quality care for children under five suffering from severe acute malnutrition in the targeted health districts. UNICEF provides access to basic services to all the affected communities – refugee and host - which will contribute to strengthening social cohesion and alleviate frustrations between host and refugee/returnee communities. 

Appui à la transition au Tchad

01.05.2022 - 30.08.2025

Forte de sa crédibilité en matière de gouvernance et de promotion de l’état de droit, la Suisse s’engage au côté des partenaires du Tchad pour l’appuyer dans une transition politique pacifique et inclusive vers un nouveau cadre constitutionnel propice au développement grâce à l’établissement d’institutions représentatives, responsables et redevables par le financement d’actions concertées. Elle appuie des initiatives spécifiques à l’objectif suisse de promotion de l’équilibre entre sécurité et développement.

Tchad-Okapi-RNI, Phase unique

01.03.2022 - 31.08.2024

Reconnue pour ses actions de promotion de la paix, la Suisse souhaite contribuer à la prévention de la violence dans la région du Lac Tchad. En appuyant la Radio Ndarason Internationale (RNI), la Suisse favorise l’accès à des informations fiables et contribue à offrir un espace d’expression et de dialogue aux habitants de la région. Elle leur permet ainsi une meilleure compréhension des enjeux, socle pour bâtir des solutions locales aux problèmes de gouvernance, de violence et de développement.

PREPAS - Programme de Renforcement de l’élevage pastoral au Tchad

01.10.2021 - 31.12.2026

Le Batha, le Wadi Fira et l’Ennedi sont des provinces sahéliennes soumises à l’avancée du désert et à l’irrégularité pluviométrique. L’élevage pastoral y est la principale activité économique. La Suisse appuie un programme de renforcement de l’élevage pastoral qui contribue à une gestion durable des ressources, à la prévention des conflits, et à l’amélioration de l’offre de services aux éleveurs. Ce programme impulse des opportunités économiques aux jeunes limitant la migration vers la Libye ou les zones aurifères marquées par l’insécurité et le banditisme.

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