Doğum Haqqında şəhadətnamə (notarised extract from the birth register), not older than 6 months, issued by the ASAN Service Center. The extract must be translated into an official Swiss language and provided with an apostille.
Father acknowledges child:
Birgə Ərizə (application/confirmation), issued by the competent civil registry office, in the original, provided with apostille and an official translation into a Swiss official language.
Father does not acknowledge child and paternity is established by court:
Atalığın müəyyən edilməsi haqqında şəhadətnamə (declaratory judgement with legal effect), issued by the competent court, with apostille and translation into an official Swiss language.
Dogluş Hakynda Şahadatnama (birth certificate) issued by the civil registry office of the place of birth. If the birth certificate shows that the child's father has reported the birth, this is considered as child recognition, otherwise a confirmation from the civil registry office about the joint registration of the birth must be submitted. Both documents must be certified 1) by the State Notary's Office, 2) by the Ministry of Justice and 3) by the Consular Department of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry and translated into an official Swiss language. The representation makes a certified copy of the birth certificate and returns the original to the interested persons.
Judicial determination
Declaratory judgement with legal effect issued by the competent court. The judgment must be certified by 1) the State Notary's Office, 2) the Ministry of Justice and 3) the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and accompanied by an official translation into an official Swiss language.