Swiss Cooperation Programme for Bangladesh

Despite the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bangladesh strives to remain on the fast track to graduate from the least developed country (LDC) category. The impact of the pandemic has brought about additional hurdles, especially when addressing poverty alleviation, social and humanitarian development, but the Government of Bangladesh remains fully committed to take on these challenges and progress ahead.

In partnership with the Government of Bangladesh and guided by the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations, the Swiss Cooperation Programme complements the support for more trade and direct foreign investments with the promotion of the Swiss key values of good governance and respect of human rights to ensure sustainability, including for economic growth. Democratic governance, human rights, quality basic services and targeted social protection of particularly vulnerable people (including the new poor, Rohingya refugees and migrant workers from Bangladesh) remain key pillars of Swiss cooperation. Addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation, is a new area of attention. Working with drivers of change such as women and youth, and identifying incentives for positive change, the Swiss Cooperation Programme for Bangladesh 2022-25 focuses on strengthening civil society voices and participation to provide important political and societal checks and balances, which are key for sustainability and for leaving-no-one-behind.

Because of our joint commitment to the Agenda 2030 and our 50 year-long partnership, Switzerland is well positioned to support Bangladesh’s journey to become a middle income country and reach the sustainable development goals, whilst leaving no one behind.

Swiss Cooperation Programme Bangladesh 2022-25 (PDF, 36 Pages, 2.9 MB, English)


Approach and partners

In Bangladesh, Switzerland works with a wide array of partners ranging from different government agencies to civil society actors and the private sector. The types of partnerships vary according to the individual programmes and projects that are supported by Switzerland.

At the global level, Switzerland provides core contributions to multilateral banks, organisations and international NGOs. These contributions are channelled through global programmes, as well as time-bound thematic and/or strategic funding modalities. Switzerland also has capital investments in international financing institutions benefitting Bangladesh. Switzerland applies a broad range of grants-based aid modalities, including national implementation of programmes and projects through a wide array of partners, co-financing and matching grants, as well as direct project implementation, material assistance and secondments in emergency contexts.

At the country level, Switzerland has two main modalities for funding: contribution agreements and fully Swiss-supported interventions with national and international organisations. Contribution agreements are on a cost and risk sharing basis, where the financial commitment from implementing partners depends on the type of partnership and the specific interventions.

For selection of implementing partners, Switzerland identifies champions from the diverse and broad range of potential organisations in Bangladesh and showcases good practices to facilitate buy-in and leadership, take results to scale and ensure sustainability. The main partnerships are with:

  • Government of Bangladesh
  • Non-Government Organisations (international and local)
  • Civil Society Networks
  • Community-Based Organisations
  • Think Tanks
  • Academia
  • Private sector actors (financial market actors, cottage, small and medium size enterprises including start-ups, different supply chain providers, service providers, business associations and chambers of commerce).

In addition, there are partnerships with the International Finance Corporation, World Custom’s Organisation, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the United Nations agencies.

Switzerland also engages actively with other bilateral donors such as Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom, by supporting contribution agreements for different programmes and projects.