Pierre Hagmann is since October 2021 the Consul General of Switzerland in São Paulo.
Dear Visitor,
I wish you a warm welcome to our website, which aims at providing you with information about the various services, tasks and activities of the Consulate General of Switzerland in São Paulo.
The office of the Consulate General is located on the vibrant Paulista Avenue, an iconic street of São Paulo which reflects the significant economic, cultural and political clout of what is the biggest Brazilian city. São Paulo offers an ideal environment for the Consulate General to fulfill its mandate, which is:
- To promote the relations between Switzerland and Brazil;
- To promote Swiss interests and values, with a focus on economy, innovation, sustainability and tourism, but also education and culture;
- To offer the best possible consular services and to nurture strong links with the Swiss community living in our consular district.
The consular district of the Consulate General in São Paulo goes beyond the city of São Paulo: it covers six Brazilian States (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina et Rio Grande do Sul), totaling 82 million people.
These six States host not only a significant Swiss community of about 10.000 citizens as well as the majority of the 500 Swiss companies present in Brazil, but also a rich legacy of the long-standing Swiss presence in this country, such as the Swiss School in São Paulo and Curitiba, the SWISSCAM (Swiss Brasilian Chamber of Commerce), the Colônia Helvetia in Indaiatuba, the Associação Suíça de Beneficência Helvetia, the Clube Esportivo Helvetia in SP and the Partnership between the city of Joinville and the canton of Schaffhausen.
To perform its multifold tasks, the Consulate General can count on a dynamic and versatile team which integrates different entities: a consular section, a cultural section, a Swiss Business Hub, a branch of swissnex Brazil and an Office of Switzerland Tourism. Three Honorary Consuls, based respectively in the cities of Curitiba, Florianopolis and Porto Alegre, also actively support us in our work.
It should also be mentioned that the University of St. Gallen and the Cultural Foundation Pro Helvetia have independent representations in São Paulo, with which the Consulate General work regularly. Finally, the Consulate General maintains regular exchanges as well with the delegates in Brazil of the Organization of the Swiss Abroad (OSA).
The Consulate General is part of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs broader network in Brazil, along with the Embassy of Switzerland in Brasilia and the Consulate General of Switzerland in Rio de Janeiro. I invite you to visit their respective websites to discover the complete picture of our engagement in Brazil. Together, we form the "Team Switzerland in Brazil" which aims at promoting the Swiss – Brazilian relationships.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if need any information, if you wish to know more about Switzerland or you require any assistance. Simply contact us via email at or phone at +55 11 33 72 82 00.
To stay informed about our tasks and activities don’t forget to subscribe to our cultural newsletter, and to follow us on our social media channels.
We look forward to staying in touch with you,
Yours sincerely,
Pierre Hagmann
Consul General