The honorary consulates support the Swiss representations in safeguarding Switzerland’s interests and in emergencies involving Swiss citizens abroad. In an emergency the representation responsible (embassy or consulate-general) must be contacted immediately.
Honorary representations
The Honorary Consulates provide assistance and support to the Embassy and the two Consulates General, contributing to the preservation of Swiss interests in the region and assisting Swiss nationals who find themselves in an emergency situation.
Therefore, the Honorary Consulates do not provide specific consular services, such as: birth registration, marriage registration, divorce registration, naturalization application, application for an entry visa to Switzerland, application for a Swiss passport and/or Swiss identity card, among others.
For these services, please contact:
Consulate General of Switzerland in Rio de Janeiro
Consular Jurisdiction: Acre (AC), Alagoas (AL), Amapá (AP), Amazonas (AM), Bahia (BA), Ceará (CE), Distrito Federal (DF), Espírito Santo (ES), Goiás (GO), Maranhão (MA), Minas Gerais (MG), Pará (PA), Paraíba (PB), Pernambuco (PE), Piauí (PI), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Rondônia (RO), Roraima (RR), Sergipe (SE), Tocantins (TO).
Consulate General of Switzerland in São Paulo
Consular jurisdiction: Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo.