Past events (37)
The concerts of Nik Bärtsch's Mobile, Lucia Cadotsch, Jojo Mayer and Samuel Blaser
Saturday, 04.11.2017
Sunday, 05.11.2017
The concerts of Nik Bärtsch's Mobile, Lucia Cadotsch, Jojo Mayer and Samuel Blaser atTampere Jazz Happening, Finland, on 4-5 November 2017.
Concert of the Swiss jazz quartet Leon in Pori
Sunday, 15.10.2017
Sunday, 15.10.2017
Concert of the Swiss jazz quartet LEON in Turku and Pori
Location: Validi Karkia Klub, Pori
Literatur live! Reading of Swiss Author Arja Lobsiger
Wednesday, 04.10.2017
Wednesday, 04.10.2017
Swiss author Arja Lobsiger reads from her book "Jonas bleibt" on 4. October at 18:00h in the German Library, Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7, Helsinki
Location: German library, Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7, Helsinki
Swiss Dancer Bettina Castaño at Chamber Music Festival in Kuhmo
Tuesday, 18.07.2017
Tuesday, 18.07.2017
Cultural event
Dance Performance of Swiss Flamenco Dancer Bettina Castaño at Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival on 18.7.2017
Location: Kuhmo, Finland
Concert of the Swiss Choir "Chorale Faller" in Turku
Wednesday, 05.07.2017
Wednesday, 05.07.2017
The Swiss Choir Chorale Faller will perform in Martinkirkko church in Turku on 5 July at 20:00 h
Location: Martinkirkko Church, Huovinkatu, Turku
Tour of Swiss jazz group Fischermanns Orchestra
Wednesday, 07.06.2017
Sunday, 11.06.2017
The Swiss Jazz group Fischermanns Orchestra performs in Imatra (Black and White Theatre Festival) and Lappeenranta from 7 to 11. June 2017
Location: Imatra and Lappeenranta
Reading of the Swiss Author Frédéric Zwicker
Tuesday, 16.05.2017
Tuesday, 16.05.2017
Swiss author Frédéric Zwicker will read from his book "Hier können Sie im Kreis gehen". The event takes place in the German Library, Makasiinikatu 7, Helsinki on Tuesday, 16.5.2017 at 18:00 h. The language of the event is German. The event is organized by the German Library, Swiss Club and the Swiss Embassy.
Location: German Library, Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 7, Helsinki
Exhibition "The Swiss Touch in Landscape Architecture"
Wednesday, 15.03.2017
Saturday, 15.04.2017
The Department of Architecture of Aalto University is hosting the travelling exhibition "The Swiss Touch in Landscape Architecture” in the Learning Centre. The exhibition is initiated by Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council.
Location: Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9, Espoo
Concert of the Swiss Jazz artist Lucia Cadotsch
Wednesday, 07.12.2016
Wednesday, 07.12.2016
Release concert of the album "Lucia Cadotsch - Speak Low" of the Swiss artists Lucia Cadotsch.
Location: WHS Teatteri U:NI:ON, Siltavuorenranta 18, Helsinki
Thomas Hauert: ZOO
Thursday, 03.11.2016
Friday, 04.11.2016
Cultural event
Thomas Hauert, Swiss dancer and choreographer, leader of the Brussels-based company ZOO, performs in Finland in November
Location: Helsinki
Reading tour of Swiss Authors in Finland
Thursday, 29.09.2016
Friday, 07.10.2016
In September 2016 the Finnish editions of Alain Claude Sulzer's novel "Ein perfekter Kellner", translated by Olli Sarrivaara and Jonas Lüscher's novel "Frühling der Barbaren", translated by Anne Mäkelä, will be published by LURRA Editions. Mr Sulzer and Mr Lüscher travel to Finland at the end of September / beginning of October to participate at various literary events.
Location: Various cities, Finland
Marc Dusseiller at Pixelache Festival
Thursday, 22.09.2016
Sunday, 25.09.2016
Cultural event
Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab is a durational, collaborative and explorative experimentation on taxidermy with Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr, a co-founder of the Hackteria network.
Location: Lapinlahti Hospital
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Last update 19.12.2018