Swiss Cooperation Program Middle East 2019 – 2022
The Swiss response in Lebanon is based on the Regional Cooperation Program Middle East 2019-2022, which also guides the responses in Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Switzerland contributes to protect and empower conflict-affected and vulnerable persons, to save and reconstruct lives, to reduce fragility, to prevent and transform violent conflicts and to generate development perspectives, to promote good governance and protect and promote Human Rights, refugee laws as well as the respect of International Humanitarian Law. Switzerland focuses on four domains of intervention: Protection and Migration; Education and Income; Conflict Prevention and Peace Promotion and Water and Sanitation. The transversal themes are Good Governance as well as Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. The current program builds on the progress and results achieved under the previous program and responds to priorities outlined in the Lebanon Crises Response Plan.
Swiss Cooperation Program Middle East 2019-2022 (PDF, 32 Pages, 1.7 MB, English)