In line with the FDFA Guidelines on Partnering with Sponsors to increase external transparency about the partnerships entered into by Switzerland’s embassies and consulates abroad, we are providing a list of the current-year partners together with the events and/or projects which they sponsor below.
- Omnipharma S.A.L
- Association Philippe Jabre (APJ)
- Tamari Foundation
- Mr. Elie Wakim
- Nestlé
- Nestlé Waters
- SG M&R
- Exhibition ENDLESS IMPULSE, featuring the legacy of Swiss author Blaise Cendrars
- Screening of the Swiss movie “Ma vie de Courgette” – Mois de la Francophonie
- Screening of the Swiss movie “Back to Alexandria” – Beirut International Women Film Festival
- BIPOD - Beirut International Platform of Dance, with the performance “Today” by Laurence Yadi, Cie 7273 and the workshop by Anne Martin
- Cabriolet Film Festival 16th Edition
- MÁS Tango Orchestra concerts, led by Swiss conductor Michael Gneist – Fête de la Musique
- De Vin et De Musique Festival - Concerts by Mathieu Chedid with musicians from Switzerland
- Screening of 2 Swiss movies: “The Giacomettis” & “The Power of Utopia. Living with Le Corbusier in Chandigarh” – Beirut Art Film Festival
- Beirut Chants El-Sistema Concert, featuring a special interpretation of Swiss songwriter Stephan Eicher’s song “Si tu veux (Que je chante)”
For 2024, the confirmed partners of our cultural fund are (last update on 11.12.2024):
For 2024, here are the cultural activities supported by the cultural fund of the Embassy:
- Omnipharma S.A.L
- Association Philippe Jabre (APJ)
- Tamari Foundation
- Mr. Elie Wakim
- Nestlé
- Nestlé Waters
- Mr. Nadim Hakim
- Beirut International Women Film Festival – Screening of “Dragon Women” & Panel, in collaboration with FIFDH – Human Rights Film Tour
- Art Residency and Exhibition « Cosmic Headwiggle » by Swiss artist Benjamin Tenko at FUEL Art Space
- Dance Performances « Imprints » by Swiss choreographer Simea Cavelti
- Cabriolet Film Festival
- Beethoven's Missa Solemnis concert by USJ Choir with Swiss soprano Bénédicte Tauran
- Oakenfest Music Festival / Swiss Corner
- Lucerne Beirut Connection: a series of live jazz fusion concerts
- Tripoli Film Festival (TFF) with Swiss movie “Tambour Battant”
- European Film Festival in Lebanon with Swiss movie “Olga”
- Beirut Livres 2023 - Festival International et Francophone du Livre et des Idées
- BAFF - Beirut Art Film Festival
- MSC Lebanon
- Bühler AG
- Château Ksara Wine
- Nestlé Waters
- Fattal Holding (Lindt)
- Almaza Beer
- Oslo Ice Cream
For 2023, the confirmed partners of our cultural fund are:
For 2023, here are the cultural activities supported by the cultural fund of the Embassy:
Other Partners for the Swiss National Day Celebration on 1st of August 2023:
- Omnipharma S.A.L
- Association Philippe Jabre (APJ)
- Monsieur Elie Wakim
- Nestlé
- Nestlé Waters
- Tamari Foundation
- Société de Gestion M&R SA
- Monsieur Nadim Hakim
- Contemporay Dance Workshop by Simea Cavelti
- Exposition BD: Plan à 3 - Belgique France Suisse
- Lebanon April Tour of Swiss Lebanese Musician Dida Guigan
- BIPOD Festival (Beirut International Platform of Dance)
- Cabriolet Film Festival
- Beirut Spring Festival
- Swiss Mission - Emergency interventions on decorative surfaces with SUPSI (Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana) at the Sursock Palace
- Fête de la Musique - Concert de Frida avec Florian Bolliger et Félix Fivaz
- “Body in Infinite Motion” - Dance Workshop by Swiss dancer Mirjam Barakar
- REEF Festival - Rural Encounters on Environment and Film
- Festival BEYROUTH LIVRES avec Hélène Becquelin et Pierre Wazem
- 27th European Film Festival with Swiss movie “ A Piece of Sky”
- Beirut Art Film Festival with 3 Swiss documentaries
- Theatre play “Tomorrow is the Best Day of my Life” by Yara Bou Nassar in the Zoukak Sidewalks Festival
- Grand Opening Concert of Beirut Chants Festival with Swiss pianist Chantal Balestri
- Concert “Swiss Winter Nights” by La Chanterie de Beyrouth
- Concert “African Sanctus” by the USJ Choir with Swiss percussionist Mathias Künzli
- Special Tripoli Magazine by l’Agenda Culturel featuring the work of Swiss journalist Monika Bolliger and her book “Tripoli, Mirror of the Middle East”
- Jardin de la Francophonie – USJ, Groupe des Ambassadeurs Francophones
- Nestlé Waters
- Oslo Ice Cream
- Fattal Group (Lindt)
For 2022, our confirmed partners of our cultural fund are (last update on 23.12.2022):
For 2022, here are the cultural activities supported by the cultural fund of the Embassy:
Other Partners for the Swiss National Day Celebration on 1st of August 2022:
- Nestlé
- Omnipharma S.A.L
- Association Philippe Jabre (APJ)
- Tamari Foundation
- Monsieur Elie Wakim
- Nestlé Waters
- Société de Gestion M&R SA
- Monsieur Nadim Hakim
- Monsieur Nicolas Chatila
- Semaine de la Francophonie
- Cabriolet Film Festival
- Concert "Grant Us Peace"
- BWFF - Beirut International Women Film Festival
- Mission August 1st - Celebration of the Swiss National Day
- REEF - Rural Encounters on Environment and Films
- RestART Beirut and SUPSI: Swiss expertise mission at Sursock Palace
- Beirut BD Festival
- European Film Festival
- BAFF - Beirut Art Film Festival
- Beirut Chants Festival
- Beirut Cultural Map with the "Agenda Culturel"
For 2021, our confirmed partners are (last update on 15.12.2021):
For 2021, here are the cultural activities supported by the cultural fund of the Embassy: