Applying for an identity document

Please enter your request for a Swiss identity document online (one request per person) and follow the instructions on the website:

If you are resident abroad the processing centre will normally be the Swiss representation at which you are registered. Please contact this centre if you have any problems entering your request online.

Do not forget to provide the following information:

Under the heading “Delivery address”

  • If you still need your current identity documents while waiting for the new documents, indicate “processing centre”. You will be contacted for an exchange of identity documents in due course;
  • If it is possible to cancel your identity documents at the time of your visit, indicate the address of your domicile or another delivery address so that the new documents can be forwarded directly by post.

Under the heading “Remarks”

  • Your preferred dates for making a personal appearance for the capture of your biometric data;
  • Mention an alternative processing centre in Switzerland or abroad (i.e. a different Swiss representation abroad or one of the cantonal passport offices), if you wish to make an appointment for the biometric data capture in a place other than the Swiss representation responsible for your place of domicile.

You will receive online acknowledgement of your request.

As soon as your personal data has been verified, an appointment for the capture of your data will be confirmed (usually within a week) and you will be informed what documents to bring and the fees to be paid.

Please note that the personal data contained in Swiss identity documents (family name, first name, date of birth and place of origin) are taken from the Swiss civil status register (Infostar).

Do not hesitate to contact the Swiss representation responsible for your place of residence if you have any questions concerning an ID document requested or an appointment for the capture of biometric data.

FAQs – frequently asked questions about passport or ID applications

Detailed information can be found on the German and Portuguese page.