Direct Action: Support to Families and Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees Phase II [PRO]

Project completed

Protective host shelter environment for 15’000 Syrian refugees is improved over 6 months through support to hosting capacities and livelihood development of 1,800 Lebanese families hosting Syrian refugees in Akkar Region (Wadi Khaled and Akroum areas). This project will be implemented through a SDC direct action cash modality and in partnership with a local NGO, Mada association. It will be implemented in close coordination with Lebanese local authorities, UNHCR and affected municipalities and communities.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Forced displacement (refugees, IDP, human trafficking)
Migration generally (development aspects and partnerships)
01.04.2013 - 31.03.2014
CHF  3’230’000

The Syrian crisis has resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians to neighbouring countries (Lebanon: about 278’000 registered and pending registration by UNHCR as per 13th February, 2013). According to UNHCR estimates, around 40’000 refugees are living in the under-developed Akkar Region (95% of them live in private accommodation and 5% in collective shelters). The financial burden on individual host families and communities is heavy and resources of the refugees are meagre.


To ensure decent shelter for Syrian refugees by improving capacities and socio-economic conditions for Lebanese families and communities hosting displaced and Syrian refugees in Akkar region, North Lebanon.

Target groups
  • Direct: 1’800 Lebanese families that host Syrian refugees
  • Indirect: 15’000 Syrian refugees able to stay with host families and receiving basic services
Medium-term outcomes


  • 15’000 Syrian refugees (2'610 Syrian refugee families) are able to remain sheltered by host families for at least 6 months
  • 1’800 host families are able to engage in livelihood activities
  • 5 new municipalities/villages benefit from small action projects


    Expected results:  

    Individual Lebanese family hosting capacities was improved and feelings of burden of Syrian families on their hosts was decreased through support to 1’300 host families who received financial support totaling CHF 830’000 (contribution for hosting and livelihoods) over a period of 6 months. This has stabilised the refugee population of 10'000 Syrian refugees (around 1'740 Syrian families) in private accommodation, with less than 10% further displacement. The challenge of planning and implementing longer-term community development projects in the pilot phase was supplemented by small actions that benefited 9 municipalities/villages totaling CHF 110’000.

    Results from previous phases:  

    Individual Lebanese family hosting capacities was improved and feelings of burden of Syrian families on their hosts was decreased through support to 1’300 host families who received financial support totaling CHF 830’000 (contribution for hosting and livelihoods) over a period of 6 months. This has stabilised the refugee population of 10'000 Syrian refugees (around 1'740 Syrian families) in private accommodation, with less than 10% further displacement. The challenge of planning and implementing longer-term community development projects in the pilot phase was supplemented by small actions that benefited 9 municipalities/villages totaling CHF 110’000.

    Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
    Credit area Humanitarian aid
    Project partners Contract partner
    • Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk
    • SDC Swiss Cooperation Representation in Beirut as direct implementers in partnership with a local NGO, Mada association

    Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    3’230’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    3’220’356
    Project phases Phase 3 01.10.2013 - 30.04.2015   (Completed)

    Phase 2 01.04.2013 - 31.03.2014   (Completed)

    Phase 1 01.06.2012 - 31.12.2013   (Completed)