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Object 373 – 384 of 663

FDF prepared to activate measure to protect Swiss stock exchange infrastructure

24.06.2019 — Press releases Europa
The stock market equivalence granted by the European Commission to Switzerland for a limited period expires at the end of June. In order to create clarity for market participants, today the Federal Department of Finance FDF is notifying that it will activate the measure to protect the Swiss stock exchange infrastructure in the event of non-extension.

Record efficiency for a gas engine

20.06.2019 — Press releases Europa
At the end of May, the final meeting of the "Horizon 2020" project "GasOn" with the EU Commission took place in Brussels. The aim of this EU project was the further development of gas engines for cars and vans. Around 20 partners participated, including ETH Zurich and Empa as well as four European automobile manufacturers and well-known suppliers. Gas-powered vehicles generally emit less pollutants than petrol or diesel cars. They are likely to gain importance in the future due to their possibility of being powered by renewable energy.

Institutional agreement Switzerland-EU: Federal Council to demand clarifications

07.06.2019 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council intends to consolidate and further develop the bilateral approach, the cornerstone of relations between Switzerland and the EU. This also requires the search for solutions to the institutional issues. At its meeting of 7 June 2019, it approved the report on the consultations on the institutional agreement between Switzerland and the European Union (EU) and decided to demand clarifications. The Federal Council also underlined that maintaining the current level of wage protection was a key Swiss demand and that the social partners and the cantons would be closely involved in the next steps of the process.

ESA and EU member states highlight the importance of the space sector

28.05.2019 — Press releases Europa
The State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation, Martina Hirayama, participated to the ‘Space Council’ of ESA and EU member states in Brussels today. A joint resolution entitled ‘Space as an Enabler’ was adopted, emphasising the role of space as a significant socio-economic tool, its importance in expanding the frontiers of knowledge, and its contribution to the development and implementation of policy in various sectors.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis discusses multilateral cooperation and security in Europe with Slovak Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Miroslav Lajčák

16.05.2019 — Press releases Europa
Mr Cassis, who is the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), has met Mr Lajčák in Bratislava during a working visit to Slovakia. Both foreign ministers highlighted the positive development of their countries bilateral ties and discussed the institutional agreement between Switzerland and the European Union (EU). Talks concerning multilateral cooperation focused on security in Europe and the work of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Mr Lajčák is the current Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE. Slovakia also currently holds the presidency of the Visegrad Group (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland) and will soon assume the chairmanship of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Brexit: Federal Council opens consultation proceedings on trade agreement between Switzerland and the UK

15.05.2019 — Press releases Europa
On 15 May the Federal Council opened consultation proceedings on the trade agreement with the United Kingdom and on an additional agreement extending the provisions of the trade agreement to the Principality of Liechtenstein. The agreements are intended to ensure to a large extent the continuation of existing trade relations after the UK’s departure from the European Union.

European Innovation Council funding an interesting prospect for Swiss research institutions and businesses

25.04.2019 — Press releases Europa
In Europe research results should be turned into marketable innovations more quickly. As part of its current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020; 2014-2020), to which Switzerland is associated, the European Union has taken the decision to enhance the funding opportunities available through the European Innovation Council. A high-level delegation from the European Commission today presented the EIC’s funding instruments at an information event in Bern, and set out how Swiss research institutions and businesses can benefit, especially SMEs.

Temporary agreement to safeguard access to the labour market even in the event of a ’no-deal’ Brexit

17.04.2019 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 17 April, the Federal Council approved a temporary agreement with the United Kingdom on access to the Swiss labour market. The agreement will apply in the event of the UK’s disorderly departure from the EU. For a limited transition period, it would introduce simplified requirements for working in either country. In this way, the Federal Council plans to safeguard the interests of the Swiss economy with regard to the recruitment of British workers, and the ability of Swiss nationals to access the UK labour market.

State Secretary Hirayama at an informal EU ministerial meeting on research and innovation

02.04.2019 — Press releases Europa
On 2 and 3 April State Secretary Martina Hirayama, Director of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, will be attending an informal meeting in Bucharest (Romania) of ministers of EU member states responsible for research and innovation. At this event, which takes place twice yearly, ministers will discuss how the EU can promote excellence and at the same time encourage broad participation in research and innovation.

Linking of the Swiss and EU emissions trading systems: CO2 Ordinance revision enters consultation phase

25.03.2019 — Press releases Europa
On 25 March 2019, the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) opened the consultation on the partial revision of the current CO2 Ordinance. The amendment is needed so that the Swiss and EU emissions trading schemes (ETS) can be linked. From 2020, emissions from civil aviation and fossil power plants will be included in the Swiss ETS, as is already the case in the EU. Linking the two schemes would enable companies in the Swiss ETS to trade in the larger EU emissions market.

Safeguarding relations between Switzerland and the UK in the field of migration post Brexit

22.03.2019 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 22 March the Federal Council took three decisions to safeguard good relations between Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK) in the field of migration in the event of the UK’s disorderly withdrawal from the European Union (EU). Firstly the Federal Council opened consultation proceedings on the agreement on acquired rights, which has already been signed. It also adopted a revision of the Ordinance on Admission, Period of Stay and Employment (ASEO) with a separate quota for UK nationals. Lastly the Federal Council decided that UK nationals would be exempt from the requirement to obtain a visa to enter Switzerland after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

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