Switzerland supports civic engagement by bulgarians by 10 millions swiss francs over five years
Switzerland and Bulgaria have signed the Support Measure Agreement for the implementation of the Swiss-Bulgarian Civic Engagement and Transparency Facility (CETF). The CETF has a budget of 10 million Swiss francs and will run from 1st of August 2024 until 31st of May 2029. It implements the Framework Agreement of 2022 between our two countries in the field of civic engagement and transparency. The Support Measure Agreement was signed by Mr. Thomas Stauffer, Head of the Swiss Contribution Office, for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and Mr. Ivan Ivanov, Director of the Central Coordination Directorate, for the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance.
The overall goal of the Programme is for more Bulgarian citizens to actively engage and participate in a transparent and inclusive public debate. The Programme will empower civil society actors in Bulgaria, and raise the capacity and legitimacy of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). It recognises the crucial role of CSOs in shaping a vibrant and democratic civic space. To this end, the CETF comprises three interconnected components: capacity building, a grant fund and lighthouse projects. The lighthouse projects aim at having an impact at national level. They will promote sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity management, encourage CSOs across Bulgaria to actively participate in advocacy, and nurture civic education at grassroot’s level. The grant fund will promote inclusive, participatory, and transparent decision-making processes, and will contribute to improving the fundraising capacity of CSOs through a learning-by-doing approach with a focus on less-developed regions. The capacity building component will help Bulgarian CSOs to be accountable, to develop their organisational potential, and to raise the impact of their activities.
The CETF will be managed by a consortium lead by the Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy, the Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law, and INNOVABRIDGE foundation from Switzerland. Information on the calls for projects and the launch of the lighthouse projects will be available later this year.
For more information, please contact: sofia@eda.admin.ch.