Swiss Cooperation Office in Egypt

Since 2011, the Swiss Embassy, through its Office for International Cooperation, has been supporting Egypt in its efforts to achieve inclusiveness and accountability in line with the goals set out in its ‘Egypt Vision 2030.’ The Embassy works with state institutions, civil society and the private sector to enhance their collaboration towards implementing effective participation, transparency and accountability measures in the country.

The Swiss Cooperation Programme in Egypt for the period 2021-2024 overall goal is

"Strengthened institutions, rights-based frameworks and an inclusive economic environment enable women and men to have better social, economic and political opportunities, leaving no one behind" and is implemented through 4 outcomes:

  1. Government, private sector and civil society develop spaces, capacities as well as legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for good governance, namely for economic governance, human rights and gender equality

  2. Government, private, sector and civil society, develop and implement policies and practices that support institutional development, green growth, sustainable inclusive urban development

  3. Young women and men, including migrants, have access to vocational skills development and decent work in an inclusive, business friendly economy

  4. Local communities and migrants access quality basic services and protection, and improve their livelihood

40 YEARS OF EGYPTIAN-SWISS Development Cooperation


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