30 years of Kyrgyz-Swiss cooperation

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Anniversary logo © Swiss Embassy Bishkek, 2024


In 2024 we mark 30 years of the Kyrgyz-Swiss cooperation!

30 years ago, the Kyrgyz and Swiss Governments signed an official cooperation agreement. Since then, Switzerland has been providing assistance for the development of Kyrgyzstan through realization of development projects in various areas.

Over 30 years, Switzerland has granted more than CHF 520 million to Kyrgyzstan through technical, financial and humanitarian support and continues its support. 

Switzerland is committed to continuing supporting the efforts of the Kyrgyz government to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, which seek to improve the life of its citizens, promote democracy and human rights. 

Switzerland - Kyrgyzstan: cooperation programme 2022-2025

Infographic of relations of Switzerland and Kyrgyzstan
Infographic of relations of Switzerland and Kyrgyzstan © FDFA, 2024